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Rebel Scientologists try to visit the cult prison camp in Riverside. Police are called immediately. Note that manure/sewage/feces appear twice in this video yet it is only 10 minutes long! Is this my best video ever? Many viewers agree. It's got it all. Cultists fighting cultists, cultists fighting protesters, sexy accents and manure. |
![]() Protester Happy Smurf surmised that this mission might have been paid for by a celebrity. If so they got snookered because I spend a lot of time in the area and rarely saw anybody in the front. I'm sure the person who took on this franchise was promised gobs of customers would come in. They didn't. About a year ago they posted a permit saying they were installing a sauna. For the Purification Rundown no doubt. This added expense resulted in no extra income. But cult leader David Miscavige got his cut of the licensing fees for sharing L. Ron Hubbard Tech with the mission. Even if this small churchlet had succeeded then all it's customers would get siphoned off to the much larger LA Ideal Org anyway. That superchurch is pretty close and offers more advanced services than the Melrose Mission could ever hope to provide. The whole idea was stupid to begin with. Why open a mission near the same neighborhood where Scientology's global organization is located? Smart as opening a bridal chapel next to the Vatican! Who would ever go there even IF Scientology worked? And that's a big if. Fortunately their failure is not great leader David Miscavige's. ![]() ![]() When I called the number on their website I got forwarded to 818-995-3460. That is a San Fernando Valley number, not Melrose. A woman answered and told me that everyone had moved to Sherman Oaks. The mission had closed because the "mission holder moved to Clearwater to open a mission in Florida." That is another stupid idea. Why open a small mission in the same area that is considered Scientology's Mecca and offers every Scientology service imaginable under one roof? Let's hope somebody waste's a lot of money on that. For there is no better Christmas present than a failed Scientology mission. Praise Xenu. |
The officers kept me cuffed for over 45 minutes while the constantly pushed me into the side of the HGB building. I demanded to see a supervisor and when he appeared I demanded they uncuff me. He refused. After about 20 minutes, the sergeant told me he would uncuff me if I agreed to leave the sidewalk in front of the HGB. I told him he would have to tell everyone on the sidewalk watching the parade to leave as I was doing nothing different than them. This continued for about 30 minutes.
Eventually, the sergeant agreed to unhand-cuff me and to not demand I leave. I did however file a complaint at the scene against these abuses. I want to add the LAPD is great in the way they treat complaints seriously and professionally, and tonight was no exception. After this, I resumed my position next to the stage to watch the end of the parade." LAPD Police Officer 1 Farrell 36164, LAPD Police Officer 1 Acosta 36470, LAPD Police Officer 1 Shaw 37209 and Sgt. 2 Davis 32256 of the Hollywood Division." HOLLYWOOD DEC 2, 2011: Doug followed up with the police and reports "I was in Hollywood yesterday. I stopped by the police station to show them two bruises on my forearms from incident. The sergeant I spoke with wasn't too excited about this new evidence until I told him I told him I had a CT scan and that I was told I had a fractured skull. When he heard that it got his attention. He took another statement from me, photographed my forearms, and he gave me the case file number for the investigation. He said he thought this would most likely be investigated not by the station but by internal affairs at the division level." |
Last night at the Hollywood Christmas Parade, I watched part of
the parade in front of Scientology's
Hollywood Guarantee Building,
HGB. They had a small stage in the curb lane and I stood next to
the stage on the sidewalk. My presences watching the parade was too
much for Scientology's inner fanatical core who sign billion year contracts:
the Sea Org. Sea Org security guard, Andy, followed me wherever I went
and got inches in front of my face telling me to leave the area despite
the fact it was a public sidewalk with many others watching the parade.
A short-time later, 3 LAPD police officers grabbed me by my arms, pulling them back and up, which lowered my head, and ran me at a fast speed head-first into the granite side of the HGB building. My head struck the granite and the officers cuffed me and pushed me into the front of the HGB building. They claimed I committed the offense of loitering. I knew the that was nonsense and told them so. They then changed their story to disturbing the peace. They claimed the Sea Org security guard reported to them, falsely, that I had tried to get on their Way to Happiness stage, and that I been disruptive. The officers kept me cuffed for over 45 minutes while the constantly pushed me into the side of the HGB building. I demanded to see a supervisor and when he appeared I demanded they uncuff me; he refused. After about 20 minutes, the sergeant told me he would uncuff me if I agreed to leave the sidewalk in front of the HGB. I told him he would have to tell everyone on the sidewalk watching the parade to leave as I was doing nothing different than them. This continued for about 30 minutes. The sergeant told me he was going to take me into the station and I would stay in jail until Tuesday to see a judge. He urged me to agree to leave. I refused and told him to go ahead and take me in. But he constantly delayed; I had violated no law. The police violated my 4th Amendment rights by going through my pockets without consent and by keeping me detained. They used excessive force by ramming my head into a granite wall and pushing me against the wall for so long. The Sea Org security guards violated the law by making false and malicious reports to the police. Eventually, the sergeant agreed to unhand-cuff me and to not demand I leave. I did however file a complaint at the scene against these abuses. I want to add the LAPD is great in the way they treat complaints seriously and professionally, and tonight was no exception. After this, I resumed my position next to the stage to watch the end of the parade. The officers involved were: LAPD Police Officer 1 Farrell 36164, LAPD Police Officer 1 Acosta 36470, LAPD Police Officer 1 Shaw 37209 and Sgt. 2 Davis 32256 of the Hollywood Division. A second Sgt took my complaint in a professional manner. ![]()
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Doug is a dangerous individual, in their eyes. He has been tied to past
attempts questioning the legitimacy of Scilons getting street permits
from the City to close down public streets & sidewalks to hold their
events. He has met with public officials regarding this issue. Also,
unlike many protesters that are on the boards (monitored by
OSA), we plan our raids openly, effectively giving the cult the
heads-up of when & where we are going to protest. Doug doesn't do
They were expecting us on Sunday night. ... There are, obviously, past issues between Doug & the cult that I am unaware of because the Scilons truly hate Doug. When I was talking to Andy & Franck Sunday night, they kept asking me where Doug was, convinced we were together. Andy mentioned that Doug & Tory Magoo had shown up to protest last September which caused some waves. I take exception to Doug's reporting of the LAPD treating complaints "seriously & professionally" given what he had to experience at the hands of the LAPD Sunday night. The LAPD never takes these complaints seriously because citizens complain about LAPD behavior all the time. This is where Doug & I will have to disagree, and you will have to ask him why he's playing both sides of the fence when it comes to the LAPD, when they succumb to the demands of the cult they have long favored in Los Angeles. ![]() The LAPD's longtime schmoozing of the cult is well-known. Rick Moxon & Elliot Abelson commented in a deposition I was involved in over a decade ago that the LAPD "is in our back pockets". During my filming last night of Andy & Franck, several cops consistently walked back & forth behind me checking me out. I presume they said nothing because my conversations with the two guards were amicable. It was later, after Doug was handcuffed & being roughed up by the cops, I moved into film the abuse, that Andy pointed me out to a cop who then approached me & threatened to arrest me for "interfering with police" if I approached Doug & filmed his being detained. The LAPD's threat of arresting a critic 'loitering" is one of their oft-used 'rabbit in the hat' charges when conceding to the requests of Scientologists. They have threatened me & other critics in the past with the same charge when protesting on L Ron Hubbard Way, the Celebrity Center, and Winter Wonderland. Never at any time did Doug attempt to get on the stage. This was yet another false charge asserted by the Scilons to create a 'noisy investigation' and set him up to be arrested. These bogus attempts are not new to Los Angeles Scilons, and you'd think the LAPD would be cognizant of such bogus attempts as I believe they are, when they're not busy schmoozing & kissing the ass of their Scilon friends. This is why it is vitally important.. especially in Los Angeles.. where the LAPD is involved... to have a video camera running.. you will see in my videos, while Doug is being detained, cops often looking at me while I was videotaping the scene from a distance.. they were not happy about it. I later spoke to one of the sergeants there and told him about my incident with "Flyer Guy" where Rick Moxon tried.. but failed.. to nail me for 'assault'. The LAPD were over-the-top in kissing the cult's ass that night, as well. You cannot straddle the fence and blame cops for unnecessarily roughing you up and then thanking the LAPD for their "courtesy and professionalism." Clearly, what they did to you Sunday night was neither courteous nor professional. |
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![]() Welcoming the new Church were Inglewood City Councilmember, Ralph Franklin; Inglewood Chief of Police, Jacqueline Seabrooks; President of NAACP Los Angeles, Leon Jenkins; Executive Director of the gang intervention group 2nd Call, Skipp Townsend; and Rev. Cecil “Chip” Murray, retired head of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles and now Professor of Religious Studies at USC. |
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The video games LA Noire and Dead Space 2 take their inspiration from Scientology and the results are not pretty: sleazy Hollywood quacks and an interstellar invasion of alien zombies. Check out the new gallery and videos here. |
Cult lawyer Kendrick Moxon deposing lawyer Graham Berry, extending protester Angry Gay Pope's Hollywood Restraining Order | ||||
A deposition is a legally binding interview. It is as if you are on the stand. This means Moxon will be able to pretty much try all the stunts you can see him up to in my deposition here: Kendrick_Moxon_Depositions Moxon also saw the article below on my web page announcing the imminent expiration of multiple restraining orders (ROs) Scientology has on me. Graham Berry on the phone sounded almost amused by Moxon's legal moves. Berry feels Moxon has overstepped his bounds and won't win. Of course, Moxie is not doing this to win but to intimidate. At least he has gotten a 30 day extension free. Graham wonders if Moxon will actually do anything by Nov. 24th. I am wondering if Anti-Shirtless Lady is even AT that location anymore. When I mentioned her to cult guard Frank Paolo recently he looked at the ground suddenly with a funny expression on his face and I wondered if she had blown, been RPF'd or moved to another location. I have therefore adjusted the countdown clock below to reflect the new date and have removed Anti-Shirtless Lady's picture from the countdown. |
I protested that location too often in 2008 because it is the heart of the cult secret police (OSA). This allowed the Scis to cobble together multiple instances of my allegedly "stalking" her. Multiple instances are a legal necessity in obtaining a TRO. You can't just act weird around someone once.
Judge Richard Rico considered both cases without merit. He considered the case a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). In other words, they were suing me just violate my right to free speech. However, the judge knew that if he sides with me both times there would be an automatic appeal and my lawyer would submit more gigantic documents. "More trees would die," Rico complained. So he "cut the baby in half," giving me the Miranda win and Scientology the Anti-Shirtless Lady verdict. I was banned for three years from protesting at Hollywood and Ivar. I was also banned from her residence, the tactically unimportant 1830 North Bronson. It prevents me from protesting the southeast corner of the Celebrity Center in Hollywood but who cares? It doesn't interfere with protests. |
The police finally arrived and wrote me a summons. But between the time of my actions and my final court date the cultists submitted alleged evidence that the flowers I stepped on cost fifteen dollars each NEW and another five dollars each to plant. This put the cost of the damage I did in the felony category. Fortunately a quick check with the local florist showed this to be a fake invoice. The cult got into hot water with the florist and so they knew that I knew what they were up to. In 2010 I showed up for my day in court and The DA had previously offered to end this and I wouldn't have to pay the full amount of damages but I refused. So this time they made a better offer. If I would cop a plea to stay away from Gold Base for two years and pay a $205 fine all charges would be dropped. My lawyer and I felt this was an acceptable offer so I took it. This had been a very productive and fruitful enterprise so far but the only thing I would have gained had I stuck with the case (and won) would be getting Catherine Fraser in trouble with the law for falsifying evidence. On January 5th I was banned from Golden Era Productions for two years and placed on probation. Fortunately I had already covered this location extensively so I spent my time at places like Twin Peaks. I missed a good protest at Gold Base where the Scientologists tried to dump manure on Anonymous. Bummer. |
Because journalists are afraid to discuss Scientology unless they are hiding behind a court case. In other words, society, the police and the press refused to act. I was willing "take one for the team." Initially the cult threw the typical kitchen sink and me: eight charges such as "loitering for ninety seconds." Eventually they dropped all but two charges and so I plea bargained and was banned from protesting Scientology schools for two years. I also had to perform 15 days of community service. |
This was nonsense concocted by cult lawyers like Kendrick Moxon. LA Judge Richard Rico agreed with my lawyer, Graham Berry, that I was not stalking Miranda I was exercising free speech rights. He ruled the case a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). In other words, they were suing me just to wear me down, not to win. It was important to win this case because I had been prevented from protesting at Big Blue, Scientology's main Los Angeles location. Miranda lived at Big Blue and I could not go near his house. |
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Sexy Scientologists take stress test down for Angry Gay Pope | |
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There are sexy Scientologists and then there are SUPER-sexy Scientologists. Protester the Angry Gay Pope meets two of the latter as he breaks up their stress test table on Hollywood Boulevard. The cult uses the attractive children of it's members as lures to get people to sit down long enough for an insipid stress test. The purpose of the test is to get the victim to buy a copy of Dianetics for $20. It rarely works and the young people get bored. The man is probably not Sea Org because he says he is in a band. He also claims to have helped people in Haiti after the earthquake while on a Volunteer Ministry trip. |
![]() It was up for years then he went to prison for kiddie sex charges and won't be out until 2028. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison and is currently incarcerated at Mule Creek State in NorCal. He will be eligible for parole in 2029. He changed his legal name to Hendrick Oliver Stone. IF he is alive by that time he will get to see this website about him again! Anonymous does not forgive. Anonymous does not forget. His former website can be found within AGP.com right here. |
Ex-Cultist Pauliene Lombard confesses to Riverside Supers she spied on protesters for OSA | |||
JULY 26, 2011 - RIVERSIDE, CA: About a year ago protester AnonOrange
ran into a stress test table in Riverside County at a chili cook off. The
person running it, Pauliene Lombard, also worked for OSA as a volunteer.
But she was not happy about the situation in the church. Orange gave them
the typical aggressive enturbulation that some people say is counterproductive.The
OSA spy was shocked that somebody would protest Scientology and ... this
is the kicker ... Pauliene was especially amazed that Orange knew who David
Miscavige was. She took Orange's advice, went home and looked up Scientology
on the net. Horrified, she quit Scientology the next day. This is ironic.
She used net access at work every day for years but never dared (or bothered)
to Google "Scientology."Orange and I have kept mum about this spy (as well
as other issues). But now that I am told this person is going to speak before
the Riverside Board of Supervisors I thought I would mention it.And to those
who say aggressive protesting is counterproductive here is a concrete example
of it working almost effortlessly. Take that wwp.net losers who do nothing.
Can you imagine a Scientologist being SURPRISED that a non-cultist would
know who David Miscavige is? Not how much money he wastes on motorcycles,
not his pathetic voting record, not the mysterious death of his mother in
law, just that he exists!??? It will be interesting to hear her further
stories.After she quit she contacted AnonOrange and he told me about her.
We have spoken of her many times but kept her existence secret until she
bravely chose to go public at the BOS meeting. |
Angry Gay Pope threatened with arrest in Hollywood | |
The US government ordered Scientology to only use
in a religious setting by a trained auditor (as shown above). Yet Scientology
continues to put them on street corner "stress tests" manned by young
volunteers. It's all an attempt to sell
Dianetics for $20 when it is practically being given away at online
JULY 22, 2011 4PM: I came across two stress test tables at Hollywood/Highland at the entrance to the subway but I didn't have my camera. First a very handsome young man gave me a card for a free stress test so I took it.The lady giving the test asked me the typical questions ready to prove that a needle on an emeter jiggling would indicate "stress." I watched the meter and deliberately held the cans just right so the needle barely moved. She got flummoxed, finally seeing a tiny wiggle and announcing "stress!" I complained that I could control the needle by squeezing and she said "so what squeezing is not allowed." Eventually I started discussing Shelley Miscavige and Heber Jentzsch and she got upset.They wanted me to leave but I would not, keeping it upbeat and waiting for the cops to arrive. This took quite some time. I said a lo of things they didn't want to hear. The woman in charge hissed that I should go away. "When was the last time you saw your family?" I asked? She pursed her lips, looked concerned and walked away.The woman who gave me the stress test pointed to a tiny mark on her hand. "I'll tell the police you attacked me and gave me this mark" she announced. I really wished I had my camera with me to catch that but I didn't.Eventually the cops arrived and she lied to them and said I roughed her up. They said they could arrest me as a citizens arrest and that all the others were witnesses. Because I had no camera I couldn't fight that and I decided to leave. If I had captured her intent to lie on camera I might have let them arrest me since I had evidence to the contrary. If I can catch them filing a false arrest report some day they will be in trouble.The cops did the old "why won't you let them practice their religion?" stuff. They didn't care about emeters being used illegally so I left. |
German documentary team tours Twin Peaks with the Angry Gay Pope, AnonOrange and lawyer Graham Berry |
![]() We showed the crew the fence and the crappy landscaping they did to try to stop us from going there again. The put up half-assed barriers and wires. It makes the landscape look incompetent. They planted a bunch of small, thorny trees, but nothing stopped us from checking out the buildings, the fence/UltraBarrier, etc. Two new security cams had been erected and rotated to watch us. But when the Germans pointed their cameras at the security cam it rotated and turned away as if embarrassed. A camera is camera shy!They called the police and a single car showed up. The cop was curious what we were doing and told us to move the cars as we were blocking the entrance. He was nonchalant and told us not to go on the property. I assured him I was on the easement. His main concern was that nobody get hit by a car on this windy road with no sidewalks on which vehicles travelled at high speed. Then he left. ![]() On the way to cult HQ Gold Base I was left, like Dick Cheney, at an undisclosed location. I am legally unable to go there until the end of the year (see court case Angry Gay Pope v. Pansies). When the Germans arrived the goons from Twin Peaks were already at the Gold Base guard shack. A third goon joined them. AO got into an altercation at the gate which I will post. But I won't be posting many photos or videos. Nothing happened that had not been seen before. The cult turned the sprinklers on them but the surround sound speaker system had been dismantled and was not used. Strangely, Gold base's fleet of vans were covered with white cloth protectors. I assume they are not using the vans to ferry people around very much. Several years ago there were so many people at Gold that cultists were housed off-site and bussed in. The first time I saw Gold there was only one bus. Then there were none. I assumed that meant everyone who worked at Gold now lived there and doesn't leave. The fact they are covering their vehicles with cloth makes me think this is even more true now. The sea org housing which had been half completed appears done and people are living in it. |
![]() DOCMENTARY (GERMAN with ENGLISH subtitles when you click CC) The documentary later aired on Germany's largest public TV channel 1 ARD in June 2012 with new sections on Scientology in Greece and Russia. |
RIVERSIDE CA JUNE 13, 2011: In 2008 protester AnonOrange was beaten by cult guards while standing in an open field next to their property line in Hemet California. Details here. He sued Scientology for damages and injuries. The case went around and around in court. The Scientologists made sure the process took forever in an attempt to drain him of funds. They also subpoenaed or deposed many many people (including even his Holiness the Angry Gay Pope) who were not involved in the case. The was designed to bother AO's friends and past employers and make it harder for AO to get hired. But the most dramatic incident was the alleged arson of AO's lawyer's property midway through the case. Eventually the Riverside judge saw how Scientology's main lawyer, Kendrick Moxon, really had no interest in settling. The case was also costing the bankrupt Riverside justice system a lot of time and money with endless court appearances and deposition requests. The judge, Sharon Waters, recommended mediation. Today a mediator reached a settlement. The terms cannot be discussed by anyone involved according to the confidentiality agreement of the Riverside Bar Association, Dispute Resolution service. It was signed by CSI Legal Director Lynne Shape and all defendants including cult guards Danny Dunigan, Matthew Butler, Kenneth Seybold and Salvatore Meo. AO's ability to protest is completely protected. | ||
"Radiation" was supposedly co-authored by Hubbard's personal physician Dr. Gene Denk. Believe it or not the books seen in the video are not for sale. They are not even to be opened. They are just there to look good all shrink wrapped. Books are meant to be purchased in huge, expensive collections, not browsed in a bookstore. That is practically giving them away! Why would you want to look inside a book before you buy it anyway? |
![]() It is not illegal for scientologists to donate to Jeff Stone, of course. However, it appears that there was a lot of influence applied by Corporate Scientology to coerce people to donate and THAT would be illegal. Sometimes we see multiple small donations from people that live out of the district. The Mormon church got in trouble for doing something similar with Prop 8 and had to pay a fine. In addition, if executives in CoS are indirectly making donations from Church coffers (because they earn no salary), then that's illegal too. Those are some of the things we must expose. The sooner this is done, the sooner the human right abuses at Gold Base will end. Please spend some time to check though my list to see if I may have erroneously categorized someone or if I forgot a donor from the original list (attached). If you are aware of illegal activities by any of these donors, please advise. I'll make good use of the data, but will keep my source secret. This info, once properly vetted will be submitted to the CA Fair Political Practices Commission. There's a meeting on June 9. I will announce these findings at the next Board of Sups meeting of June 7, 2011. Illegal campaign financing need to be brought to the light of day. Please post and distribute far and wide. |
Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone may regret his attempt in 2010 to
run for CA state senate. First, he lost. Then in 2011 one of his donors,
James Larry Minor, got caught money laundering his donations to Stone and
had to pay a $60,000 fine. A few months later Stone himself was
fined $16,000 for not reporting donations properly. His accountant claimed
he didn't know the rules despite the fact that they are printed on page
ONE of the state's campaign manual. Stone is very important in the fight
over Scientology because his district in Riverside is home to Scientology's
world HQ Gold Base and they hold great sway
over him. Although Stone has denied being a Scientologist he is known to
hang around with members of the failing Temecula Org. His life is also organized
into a series of front groups and charities very similar to Scientology.
Now protester AnonOrange
has found evidence that Scientologist Nancy Cartwright donated to his Republican
campaign even though she is a Democrat and lives hundreds of miles away
in Los Angeles. Stone's campaign tried to hide this fact. ![]() The law requires that political contributions made 90 days before the election date be reported within 24 hours. Here's why this is important: During Stone's campaign, I often looked at his contributions, but never saw Nancy Cartwright listed. That's because it was filed late. Now I know why I couldn't find Cartwright's contribution to Stone. I had to re-download everything and look at each submittal one-by-one until I found it, but it was originally IMPOSSIBLE to locate. This is the same Nancy Cartwright who cut a check for $10 million dollars to the "Church" of Scientology some 3 years ago, but here's why I could not find her:1) Nancy paid her contribution on April 6, 2010, but Jeff Stone reported it on June 2, 2010, almost two months later and a mere 4 days before the elections! He was required to report it within 24 hours.2) The other trick is he filed her contribution as a "Late Contribution Report", on PAPER instead of online, which requires the Registrar of Voters staff to process them manually, redacting the addresses with a black marker and (most importantly) making Google searches impossible.3) The Registrar of Voters generally reports contributions twice a year. The documents show up approximately one month after the closure of the reporting period. Reporting period ( 01/01/2010 to 06/30/2010 ) will show up in late July. Reporting period ( 07/01/2010 to 12/31/2010 ) will show up in late January the next year.So even though the contributions were filed four days before the elections, there was NO WAY TO SEE THEM!! They only showed up AFTER the elections. I consider this a pretty serious and a clear violation of election laws. On the other hand, it is true that it was his accountant that filed the reports, but why did he wait two months? I'd love to see that accountant being recorded during a deposition. You can see the name of the accounting firm at the top of the PDF file Kubler, Prudhomme & Co. which was sent to the registrar of voters on June 2. Nancy Cartwright is most likely a Democrat and funds Democrats. ![]() Why is she suddenly funding Republican Jeff Stone, a guy that's not even in her district? It's clear Scientology influenced her to do this. I attach the complete list of Stone's contributors for his senate campaign 2010. Note THIS guy:
Also, I found that Steve Di Memmo files contributes though his wife Kristine. There are a LOT of donors that were not even in Stone's district. Many are from Los Angeles, Glendale, Sherman Oaks, areas which are heavily Scilon infested. If someone has the time, (I've spent enough on this + I'll make a speech at the Board of Supers), I'd love it if we could correlate each donor to the Scientology Completions list database. I bet there's a dozen Scientologists on that list of around 500 donors. |
![]() ILLEGAL DONOR TO JEFF STONE Fausto Atilano of Fausto's Bail Bonds ![]() COMPLETE LIST OF STONE'S DONORS |
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![]() ![]() NEWS UPDATE: My video has been reposted and Mark Bunker has been told his YouTube page will soon be reinstated. |
![]() I snicker every time the cult parts with cash to purchase major real estate which can't be unloaded easily if they need to liquidate assets. Like a production studio. They brag that Gold Base is the greatest of studios. What are they going to do with this one other than make videos nobody ever sees? Fortunately here in LA we get yet another location to protest at. What an embarrassment of riches! |
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I could theoretically get four years in jail for this video. Outside the Scientology affiliated Delphi School of Santa Monica the Angry Gay Pope tries to intentionally disturb or disquiet the assemblage of people meeting inside. For the cult view of things watch this video. My trial is coming up and Scientology demanded that judge have me take down this youtube video and its Rutube.ru copy. I have now put the video back up under the judge's stipulation that everyone in it become anonymous. Small "a" anonymous. Or are they? I say that their use as pawns in the fight against Scientology makes them capital "A" Anons! But then, I get excited easily and am prone to too many exclamation points. ==================== The link to the Delphi Academy Santa Monica in the article has been removed as per court order. |
This tedious two minute deposition has only one fistfight and seven
discussions of porno/ejaculation. Yes its just another day for the Scientology
legal department as their main lawyer,
Kendrick Moxon, interrogates protester "Angry Gay Pope" in this
"teaser video." There are many sometimes hilarious videos in this
gallery so click on the link at left. Kendrick Moxon does his best to
harass and intimidate me. But it didn't work.
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Int/Gold staff have been summoned for jury duty and 7 people have been picked to be on a jury panel. As of 2009, there are 305 registered voters on base. The officer confirmed that these 7 people were on the list I submitted. Out of the 73 people summoned, everybody had to call in. A smaller percentage had to physically come in to the court house, to be part of a group of available jurors who waits in a large room all day. There are televisions in the room. Out of this group. 7 were picked to be on a jury panel. I don't know how many had to physically go to the court house, but it's between 7 and 73 people. The investigator was not at liberty to tell me what were the dates of attendance or their names, which is confidential. The summons rate (73/305) is 24% and seems much higher than normal. It appears that they have put the residents of the base at the top of the list for being summoned. All 305 were eligible to be picked in 2010, on a one-year cycle. In 2011, the remaining 232 are left on this eligibility list. Assuming summons were sent starting April 2010 at 24%/year, I estimate that 74 new jurors from the base will be summoned in 2011, for the entire year. (There are different ways to calculate this, based on when you start in 2011) Hopefully, this temporary respite off-base, while meeting new people will help them see that life outside the base is not all that bad. The $15/day while they are on the jury panel will beat the $38/week that they probably don't get. I consider this a win and it was not too difficult to execute. Please repeat this action in Clearwater, Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Dundas (Australia) and wherever there are known scientology staff being prevented from attending jury duty. I thank everyone that helped providing me with lists of people on base. AnonOrange |
AnonOrange's trial against the cult guards who beat him at Gold Base in 2008 is now awaiting a trial start date. Cult lawyer Kendrick Moxon, Gold Base security chief Catherine Fraser and hired legal hand David Cantrell were present for the defense. The cult had thrown endless demurrers at the case in an attempt to whittle down the charges into nonexistence. The judge, however, pushed aside the attempts to derail the case and now AnonOrange is merely awaiting a trial date. Afterwards Moxon, Fraser and Cantrell stood in the courthouse for half an hour conferring on what to do next. Later Catherine Fraser was seen looking concerned and talking on the phone for twenty minutes, probably with cult leader David Miscavige. In October 2008 protesters AnonOrange and XenuBarb were attacked by guards in an open field near the property line of Scientology Gold Base, their world headquarters located in Hemet, CA. Details of the event can be found here. ![]() |