Kirstie Alley fat again? "Organic Liaison" store closing in Los Angeles | Tom Cruise booed at LA Dodgers baseball game |
expected, without the exercise of being on "Dancing with the Stars"
Kirstie Alley has become fat again, or so a tabloid claims. The tabloid
the National Enquirer is not a trusted source of truth, but you can't
beat their claimed recent photos of Kirstie. According to the paper
she has ballooned up to 220 lbs. (10 pounds more than me and I am 6'3"
(1.9m)! Worse, the paper has close ups of her arms covered with
marks and varicose veins the paper claims are caused by her incessant
yo-yo dieting. It tears the soft tissue right under the skin. But there are other videos claiming to be recent that show Kirstie as thin. So the Enquirer may just be re-purposing old photos. The usual tabloid nonsense. The photo at left is very old from her previous blubberification. The paper also has photos it claims are of a garage sale Kirstie had which was run by her children. She got rid of lots and lots of exercise equipment. The paper claims she was even selling her own weight loss books for $1 each and nobody was buying. Worst of all, her Organic Liaison weight loss store in Hollywood is closing. It was just a public relations gimmick anyway. They claim to be moving to another location. But when I called the number on the store sign at right (323-446-2180) they said they did not know where they would be moving to. They were busy just trying to find a tenant to replace them in the current location. That is Scientology-speak for "they are dead and won't re-open anyplace." But they are still emailing out lots of ads for their products featuring Kirstie at her slim best. Kirstie's weight loss company is a scam just like Scientology is. You buy into her program and send her money every month for food. Whether you lose weight or not she still gets cash every thirty days. She concocted the scheme with some of her fellow Clearwater, Florida cultists. She no doubt noticed the huge amount of money Weight Watchers was making when she was briefly a spokesperson for them. This very predictable ending is in contrast to the glitzy, loud opening Organic Liason did in March 2011 which annoyed the neighbors with it's curfew breaking festivities. Eventually Kirstie rejoined the Jenny Craig family and they agreed to sell some of her weight loss products, a caffeine drink. Then they dumped her again. Boo hoo! |
a super-wealthy 1 percenter Tom Cruise has an expensive skybox at Dodgers
Stadium but that lofty perch just left him more humiliated recently.
He and son Connor attended a baseball game in October 2013 and, when
the jumbovision camera focused on him, he was promptly booed by the
crowd. The DJ then played "I wish I was a little bit taller",
a song by "Skee-lo" to maximize the humiliation. This event was
pointed out by live bloggers who tweeted the story. Americans (especially Angelenos) tire of their celebs first even as the rest of the world continues to buy tickets to their movies. But the foreign movie market now decides which big movies get made. And foreigners love him. So fear not TC, you still have three big budget movies in the works even though the American public is openly hostile to you. After all, he is a Scientologist and a closeted homosexual. And he scores last on the list of trustworthy celebs, so don't expect to see him doing any product endorsements like his ex-wife Nicole Kidman does. Not that he needs the money. But he needs the attention ... BAD. Which is why such bad attention at a Dodgers game must really crush his ego. I know if that happened to me I would be upset, humiliated and paranoid. And TC is ALREADY known for his paranoia. The more you near your destination the more you're slip sliding away .... then you reincarnate ... Check out the story right here. The group that owns the rights to this photo kept pestering me to take it down it was funny. Like shooting TC and a public event is seeing Bigfoot. They eventually gave up. You know I have lawyers! |
I'm not a big fan of social media like Facebook and Twitter. I already
can write my own websites I don't need them and they are intrusive and
spy. But folks love these sites and they are a great way to find
out about updates to this website. Click on the logo at left to
subscribe to my twitter feed and find out when I post a new video or
a major update to this website ... and nothing else. Sorry folks, I
won't run around town typing with my thumbs bugging you unless I have
something to say! My twitter handle is "angry_gay_pope".
Any other twitter handle which sounds like that is actually a false account run by the Church of Scientology. I know plenty of people want to see more in-the-moment confrontational "Angry Gay Pope Videos" not just historic Karen de la Carriere's "Surviving Scientology" videos. More of those AGP adventures are coming! So subscribe to my twitter feed to find out when. Want me to post them faster? Then donate something. Karen donates regularly so Karen gets her videos done first. |
The Church of Scientology shows why it has made it in Hollywood for so long with this elaborate production number worthy of an Oscar telecast. From the 2009-2010 New Year celebration at the Shrine Auditorium. The very same room the Academy of Motion Pictures recorded so many Oscar telecasts. Featuring a large supporting cast of non-Whites hired especially for the occasion. For more Scientologists singing just click right here. |
JANUARY 9, 2013: Scientology PR gal Karin Pouw will have a hard time preventing this Hollywood Reporter article from being published Jan. 18th. The reporting is based on Lawrence Wright's upcoming book. And there are a lot of books coming out soon. Hooray! The Travolta article is here. Unlike the previous Scientology tome, Janet Reitman's more cautious and scholarly "Inside Scientology," Wright is dishing more dirt here with the kind of stories that sell papers and expose injustice. Here's just one quote about how Travolta's female assistant got out:
wasn’t obvious how she could escape. She had been placed
in RPF in March; now it was September. She didn’t know
where to turn. It didn’t occur to her to call her parents
because she was so apprehensive that she might bring
shame on Scientology if anybody knew what had happened
to her. Even if she did escape, she realized, she actually
knew very little about what was going on in the world.
Since she had joined Scientology at the age of 14, she
had never read a book that hadn’t been written by Hubbard.
Taylor managed to slip away to visit her 10-month-old daughter in the Child Care Org across the street. To her horror, she discovered that Vanessa had contracted whooping cough, which is highly contagious and occasionally fatal. The baby’s eyes were welded shut with mucus, and her diaper was wet -- in fact, her whole crib was soaking. She was covered with fruit flies." Scientology PR person Karin Pouw is known for name calling and hanging up on journalists so I doubt she'll be handling this latest crisis with much aplomb. |
Feel frustrated when the super-rich Church of Scientology bitch slaps society and the government doesn't care? Now you can do something about it! Just donate to me, the Angry Gay Pope. I'll take the heat for you. I've become the main Los Angeles Scientology protestor and investigator. You'll be sticking it to the Scis while you help fund the Pope's daily enturbulation affirmation. What is enturbulation? You'll know it when you see it in my videos. And they are pretty slick. It takes a lot of time to edit the implosion of the Church of Scientology into entertainment Besides making hilarious and educational videos I've exposed the Church's illegal work conditions, the cops they pay off and secret cult locations like Twin Peaks that few media visit. I've been documenting the history of this bozo religion's decline since 2008. My videos have a lot of conflict and yelling in them but fans tell me they watch them to RELAX. Relax??? I think they like seeing an all powerful organization exposed and made fun of by just one (very motivated) guy. This is an in-your-face look at America's most infamous and powerful cult. You'll meet bozo Church guards, befuddled slaves, major Church figures and the worst lawyers in the world. Plus Kirstie Alley's oversized butt. My work is included in major Wikipedia entries, seen in local newscasts around the world and used in several European documentaries. And it's all stored for posterity on my website AngryGayPope.com. You can donate in increments of $5, $10 and $15 dollars which are pledged monthly and you can cancel at any time. So don't slip into a lower condition of withholds. Be at cause over MEST (matter energy space and time) by donating today! Since 2008 hundreds of different people have donated safely and securely over the Internet without any interference from the Church. |