The structure of the
Church is very complicated. All these levels and types and places.
Unfortunately this was set up by LRH the great leader a long time ago and
he, of course knew best. This design system has never worked and
Scientology churches at every level have been insolvent and failing for
decades. For a full discussion of their structure (and it's failure)
just click here.
In one of Karen de la Carriere and the Angry Gay Pope's best, and most
acclaimed videos, ex-cultist Chris Shelton explains how the "Church" has
devolved into a real estate scam. It was a "goods and services" scam.
But now nobody is coming in to buy books or talk therapy. So Chris started,
very early in the project, to help the Church fool it's own members into
buying huge, white elephant buildings and give the lease to the mother
organization. After they buy it and fix it up they have to pay the mother
church rent as well as pay for their own utility bills. And toilet paper.
Expect the lights to go out a lot as you are wiping your butt with toilet
paper you brought! Chris explains the Twin Cities Ideal Org in detail.
One of the most egregious examples of excess, the building is over 90,000
square feet and completely empty!