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Angry Gay Popesters it is me your favorite West Hollywood Gaythiest. I’ve
got a bunch of videos in my pipeline proctoscoping the Church of Scientology.
That is the religion where actor Danny Masterson allegedly raped up to seven
women and is still getting away with it! It makes me so mad I could
Coming soon to AngryGayPope.com and Vimeo is the trip Nasty Nathanial and I made to Sci school the Delphi Academy LA. Not friendly! And our trip to the Montrose Mission, an ancient alleyway eyesore where Scientology sheep wait to die.
Plus the Los Feliz Mission, which transitioned from a cult rented place down the street to this gorgeous building they own now. Rare example of a new ground up Scientology mission. Meaning it’s a real estate scam!
You’ll be drooling for more and you can thank my patrons at Patreon.com/angrygaypope for making all these videos possible.
After the Church service in Part 1, the church kept Michael and I around to try to get us to buy their Dianetics book (aka their bible). We didn't want to give a church that does terrible things for it's members any of our money, so you'll see how that turned out in the video. |
In this episode we explored the first step everyone must take along their Scientology journey: the Purification Process. Turns out the longer I stayed at the seminar, the more I began to realize that this is a corporation hiding as a religion so they don't get sued for false advertising. In this video we bring up some points that hopefully people haven't seen before. |
Despite Reckless Ben's best efforts he is actually brainwashed after 10 hours of auditing and comes back home in a daze. He must be literally talked out of believing that the worst day of his life was actually the best (according to Scientology). |
In this episode Ben and his auditor talk about Xenu, The new purification program he is starting with the other members of the church, and joining the sea organization. |
Feel frustrated when the super-rich Church of Scientology bitch slaps society and the government doesn't care? Now you can do something about it! Just donate to me, the Angry Gay Pope. I'll take the heat for you. I've become the main Los Angeles Scientology protestor and investigator. You'll be sticking it to the Scis while you help fund the Pope's daily enturbulation affirmation. What is enturbulation? You'll know it when you see it in my videos. And they are pretty slick. It takes a lot of time to edit the implosion of the Church of Scientology into entertainment Besides making hilarious and educational videos I've exposed the Church's illegal work conditions, the cops they pay off and secret cult locations like Twin Peaks that few media visit. I've been documenting the history of this bozo religion's decline since 2008. My videos have a lot of conflict and yelling in them but fans tell me they watch them to RELAX. Relax??? I think they like seeing an all powerful organization exposed and made fun of by just one (very motivated) guy. This is an in-your-face look at America's most infamous and powerful cult. You'll meet bozo Church guards, befuddled slaves, major Church figures and the worst lawyers in the world. Plus Kirstie Alley's oversized butt. My work is included in major Wikipedia entries, seen in local newscasts around the world and used in several European documentaries. And it's all stored for posterity on my website AngryGayPope.com. You can donate in increments of $5, $10 and $15 dollars which are pledged monthly and you can cancel at any time. So don't slip into a lower condition of withholds. Be at cause over MEST (matter energy space and time) by donating today! Since 2008 hundreds of different people have donated safely and securely over the Internet without any interference from the Church. |