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I am biased. As a long time Scientology protester Mark has
almost never had a kind word to say about my work despite the fact
(or maybe because) people tell me I make memorable videos on this
subject. Mark makes look-alike talking head videos which are sometimes
barely edited and sometimes (such as with Jason Beghe) TERRIBLY
LIT if you can call it that. Who puts someone in front of a bright
window to do a headshot? Yes he has put in his years for the cause
but I find him massively over-rated.
DISCLAIMER: Mark has done huge things for the protest movement. I drove his car (badly) to the Hemet police station when he was arrested on false charges. He has been fair gamed densely at times with gum stuck on his camera lens as paid off cops laughed! Yet he also acts more and more like Scientology, which specializes in taking money for things that it does NOT deliver.
He has raised money for years on a movie, KNOWLEDGE REPORT, which was never released. He just lived off the money. At least I also do CGI animation and fix PCs. And who would watch talking heads for two hours? Even Going Clear, a wonderful show, had a bit much of that talking head stuff. He has had all those recordings for years and yet never finished his work? It is not as if he was busy animating 3d segments (as my videos have).
I made several perfectly entertaining videos about/for Mark Bunker for Karen De La Carriere. They discussed his work and the forming of Anonymous. Did he even thank me in any way as Karen had? No he ignored me. He may find my work too "edgy" in its civil disobedience. I find his work BORING. He stands in front of Big Blue one day walking around saying "This is this and that is that." So old skool. I don't even show up as anything but a disembodied voice in my videos most of the time. AKA his work seems self absorbed like he defines himself by the story he covers.
Speaking of that, don't take my word for it just read Tony Ortega: https://tonyortega.org/2015/11/04/mark-bunker-whats-taking-that-film-of-yours-knowledge-report-so-long/
Yes I take donations monthly at https://patreon.com/angrygaypope and EVERY MONTH I deliver for my donors with new videos and articles re: So Cal Scientology. Mark went YEARS without putting up much on his youtube channel other than a bird he saw in a FL parking lot. He lost his http://xenutv.com website out of some kind of incompetence. He parked his rental car in a Scientology controlled lot in the Pacific Northwest during an Ideal Org opening and, no surprise, they smashed it up. What is going on with this man?
And now he is taking money not for a movie but a political movement. He wants to be on Clearwater FL city council. Well that is great if it upsets the cult and he makes a serious effort. But if he does the bare minimum yet demands donations, as is his Modus Operandi, it is just another scam. Also, what political experience does he have? It is great if it upsets the cult and keeps them busy, but I would never give him a cent for anything he does.
Here is some Latin from the Angry Gay Pope potential Bunker donors: CAVEAT EMPTOR (buyer beware).
Fellow Scientology protester
Nathanial and I had a great time at Cathy Schenkelberg's one woman
show "Squeeze My Cans" in
Hollywood @Broadwater
@SMB/Vine now playing thru June 26th @Hollywood Fringefest. Her
perf was very "at cause" with her "overts and withholds" delivering
a solid seventy minute show for just $20!
Scientology journalist
Tony Ortega is coming to see one
of those shows soon. Since Nasty Nathanial and I can't stand him we
decided to come to see Cathy's show early to avoid being crushed under
the weight of his unbearable, obscenity spouting ego.
is great about Schenkelberg's work as a journalist is she is making
a public admission about personal failure. So I will make one
The building we were in is called "The
Broadwater." Ironically
it was once a Gay sex club called "The Vortex." A moral vortex so close
to Gold's Gym Hollywood, the Gayest gym on the West Coast outside of
West Hwd, that the muscle men would line up against the wall on weekends.
Their pecs were all lined up and looked like bowling bowls in a bowling
alley's ball holders. Talk about the Gay version of squeeze my
cans! Badoom boom.
The Vortex was on-paper an "erotic art
gallery" not a Gay Sex Orgy location. That way they could legally refuse
admission to ugly guys, men in suits, men with perfume, etc. Yuk! You
would never guess that within these now rehabilitated playhouse/barroom
walls I had fooled around many times circa 1996-2002. I think it was
probably here that I had an anal sex episode with a Latino that first
infected me with the virus that causes HIV!
Eventually the venue's
proximity to the Vine Street Elementary School spelled it's legal doom.
I assume somebody in government stopped getting paid off or put their
foot down. Bummer! They were not even open at the same time! Couldn't
the sex club just give every kid at the school a free membership at
Gold's Gym??? That would help raise the next generation of bisexual
guys who would show up at Vortex and have big muscles. Sigh.
I was afraid of a “one person
show” tale of woe from a voice over actress. I was afraid it would be
another boring self absorbed thing I have sat through that sexy actors
put on. This is a real problem in Hollywood as the Onion comedy website
massively made fun of: theonion.com/study-family-history-of-alcoholism-raises-risk-of-one-man-shows
A desire to be the center of attention paired with a delusional belief
in one’s talent remain the leading causes of one-man shows. -
Despite living here since 1996 I have never had
a good time in LA Live Theater. I saw a play at the Geffen for free
starring actor James Van Deer Beak that was so bad we walked out. Except
for Evita/Book of Mormon @ the Pantages but those are, of course, blockbusters.
Expensive tickets a starving artist like myself can barely afford so
why bother? I was concerned this would be a self-absorbed-a-thon with
some Scientology thrown in. For the first few minutes it was about
her family and not Scientology and I was concerned. But that ended up
just setting the scene and 92% of the show was about Scientology. Her
hyperactive delivery and playing of various roles was quite impressive.
And, like Evita, she did voice over work :)
I was also
impressed by the many audio and lighting cues throughout the show. Glad
she used video also. Floating needle video very good reminder of Sci
jargon/brainwashing for newbie protesters like Nasty Nathanial. Reinforced
my knowledge of their auditing (talk therapy) techniques so that I can
more effectively "enturbulate" cultists in the future. The video
cues also included an updating of the money she spent on the cult. It
was VERY EFFECTIVE to see that total go up endlessly in the show without
calling attention to itself. I would have added a cash register sound
effect KA CHING if it were a five minute video. But I realize now that,
in a 75 minute show, this would have been editorial overkill/ineffective.
I also correctly predicted that, when she passed her first hundred grand,
she would hit about a million dollars before financially flying out
of control at the end.
She has been re-compensated
for about only $100 grand since she left she told me after her perf.
people who don't speak Scientologese will enjoy what is, in one way,
a standard Scientology snooker's 'em silly story. At least nobody died
of unnatural causes (spoiler ... people die). Yet in another way it
is touching and well acted religious penance. It must be very
painful to get on up a stage endlessly down here in the Hotel CA and
say "I messed up" for a living. Plus she is being watched by a
James Bond Villain who owns Hwd Blvd. just a few blocks away and wants
to censor her mafia style.
So it is great to see
her get paid to conduct her own public exorcism of painful confessions.
Just like it is painful for me to publicly confess that I probably got
infected with the virus which causes AIDS in the very same building.
Protesting Scientology made my heart grow three times, just like what
happened to Dr. Seuss's "The Grinch." I'm sure this penance is growing
her Thetan. Growing her Thetan as a person protesting Scientology. Because
she is currently living in a vehicle, travelling the country on a religious
pilgrimage. She is putting out a great roadshow and using social media
in ways cult founder L. Ron Hubbard would never have imagined. Personal
growth in the moment.
Isn't that what Scientology
itself claims to do for you?
One light on the right stage
flickered sometimes as some of the green LED’s in it did not work reliably
and made things flickering magenta but that is not her fault it is https://www.hollywoodfringe.org
. Also, it just added to the "going crazy" vibe and she acknowledged
the hardware failure on the fly. I think the “going insane” sequence
might work better if she literally said she was being driven insane. But
that is nit picking.
Later we went to the
wonderful bar on the property and I got drunker on absinthe and
a Long Island Iced Tea. At that point I told my friend Nasty Nathanial
that the bar is the thing that probably pays for all of this theater.
That is because we were buying wonderful liquor in a delightful setting
from a talented male barkeep at huge markup!
I told the
bartender about the history of the place being a Gay sex club and he
responded "Oh it is still that on Tuesdays." I don't know what
he meant by that.
“These kids need to know that having
an alcoholic parent doesn’t mean they are predetermined to perform a
one-man show,” University of Virginia psychologist Harriet Courtly said.
“They have a choice. They can engage in this embarrassing, hurtful behavior,
or they can drink themselves to death and keep it to themselves like
everyone else.” - THE ONION
WEBSITE: https://www.squeezemycans.com/
IS THE SHOW COMING TO YOUR AREA? https://www.squeezemycans.com/dates
Hubbard's birthday bash visited by Anonymous protesters at Hollywood
and Highland where the Oscars are held.. We simply wanted to spread
the word about Leah Remini's Aftermath Foundation. Scis really wig
out at minor things like this and it is a great excuse for them
to use to scapegoat each other. Which their culture of snitching
makes it all too easy to do. More ODO coming if you donate!
ANGRY GAY POPE RUINS CINCO DE MEASLES! Four protesters try to help
an old man in the street! Zero compassion from Scientology. Don't
get me started. Another day in Hollywood. Your patronage at https://patreon.com/angrygaypope
is helping make these good works happen!
At the 2019 L. Ron Hubbard Birthday event in Hollywood I recorded
a HUGE number of Scientologists and exposed them to "entheta" about
the Aftermath Foundation. Hopefully friends and family of some of
the cultists in the recording will see their disconnected loved
ones and know they are alive. This happened before with a protester
named "British Mum" who saw her daughter Mandy in one of my videos
ten years ago.
Most important is that these cultists are exposed to the Aftermath Foundation http://theaftermathfoundation.org which can help them leave the Sea Organization. SIMI VALLEY ON AN ID: old lady with a German accent (approx. 1:40-1:46). I'm pretty sure that is Margarete (pronounced like "Marguerite") Gowert. She lives or lived in the same clam rooming house on Franklin near Vermont that I used to live at. |
![]() We confront many Scientologists in this video also but this time it is the more negative/aggressive part of the protest. We go to the main event in the Vth floor ballroom (V for 5 and V for vendetta). Then they distract the security so I can go tell more cultists how to leave. Then the cult tries to distract me using no-talent youtuber Baylen Levine. Eventually the protesters illegally fly a drone at night over the event. Too fun! A little scary also! Be a Patron at Patreon. |
Scientology protester Nasty Nathanial's family is threatened by
a cultist because he recorded video of their buses. WHAT?
NASTY NATHANIAL CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwQIZHN3gwC37xdVPO-h6Q |
Scientology promotes a show on its network about their archiving
of L. Ron Hubbards words on metal plates to survive world war III.
Formerly a big secret, most cultists don't know their great leader
Hubbard gave $80 million to this project in his will. These are
the kind of vaults I have been near in Big Bear, CA. There are others,
such as in Trementina New Mexico.
Feel frustrated when the super-rich Church of Scientology bitch slaps society and the government doesn't care? Now you can do something about it! Just donate to me, the Angry Gay Pope. I'll take the heat for you. I've become the main Los Angeles Scientology protestor and investigator. You'll be sticking it to the Scis while you help fund the Pope's daily enturbulation affirmation. What is enturbulation? You'll know it when you see it in my videos. And they are pretty slick. It takes a lot of time to edit the implosion of the Church of Scientology into entertainment Besides making hilarious and educational videos I've exposed the Church's illegal work conditions, the cops they pay off and secret cult locations like Twin Peaks that few media visit. I've been documenting the history of this bozo religion's decline since 2008. My videos have a lot of conflict and yelling in them but fans tell me they watch them to RELAX. Relax??? I think they like seeing an all powerful organization exposed and made fun of by just one (very motivated) guy. This is an in-your-face look at America's most infamous and powerful cult. You'll meet bozo Church guards, befuddled slaves, major Church figures and the worst lawyers in the world. Plus Kirstie Alley's oversized butt. My work is included in major Wikipedia entries, seen in local newscasts around the world and used in several European documentaries. And it's all stored for posterity on my website AngryGayPope.com. You can donate in increments of $5, $10 and $15 dollars which are pledged monthly and you can cancel at any time. So don't slip into a lower condition of withholds. Be at cause over MEST (matter energy space and time) by donating today! Since 2008 hundreds of different people have donated safely and securely over the Internet without any interference from the Church. |