The above video sets up what happened in this LAPD crooked
cop setup. But because I had no camera there is no recording
of the incident except for those recorded by Church
cameras. Think they will ever give that up even under
legal duress? Forget it!
As there is no video evidence you will have to actually read what happened. Reading is something that was done in a period known as "magazines." I can't go into it all right now so just go here. |
Hello AGP!
I live in San Jacinto CA, just a few miles away from Gold Base [Golden Era Productions in Hemet, CA]. I always wanted to take a peek inside. After watching your videos and AnonOrange's it got me thinking... How can I get inside? I had just watched Going Clear on HBO and thought that I could get in.
My brother and I decided to drive past a few times and see if we could get in. I dressed like I was a golfer, and had my clubs in the back of my car. I went to Golden Era golf club and, to my surprise, nobody was there. I peeked through windows and didn't see much so we got back into my car and drove up to the Gold Base main gate.
Danny Dunigan was posted at the gate and came out and asked "Can I help you?" I said "Yes, is your golf course open?" he replied "Not to the public, only for charity events." Then I asked "what is this place?" He gave a huge bullshit spiel on what they do there and rambled on about the movie studio. I asked if they gave tours. He said "Sometimes, but only to locals in the area." I said I only lived a few miles away, so then he gave me a business card of Muriel's [Muriel Dufresne] and told me to call her. My brother did and left a message. Three weeks later they called us back from a Los Angeles area code and set up a date and time for a tour.
We showed up at the gate for the tour and they asked who we were and said that they don't give tours. We said the name from the card and then they called and verified our appointment.
They let us in and told us to go to the main building. We met a woman I believe was Muriel and she let us look around at all the books and videos they had as she was in her office. She later came out and asked what car we drove in and asked us to follow her to the movie studio. I only saw two Sea Orgs on the grounds going there.
Once inside the movie studio we walked in and there are a lot of video kiosks. Muriel took us through about five short videos of LRH, Scientology, commercials and what not. After that propaganda riddled shit she then walked us down some long hallways that had makeshift tables. These stretched down the entire length and had documents of LRH he had written that were in translation to a plethora of languages.
Our first stop was the props workshop where they were building stuff. A group of, like, four folks were working in that area and one gentleman stood out as I could tell he wanted to talk. He was not allowed until Muriel motioned him. He politely shook our hands and told us of the process and he was very eager to describe his work. Muriel cut him short as we headed off into another area. Funny thing was that a lot of these folks have accents from New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
We went to another area that had the world's largest printers where they made the flooring, drapes and wall paper for the sets. There was a middle aged woman working that area. Once again we noticed she was eager to meet us. Muriel gave her the motion and she then spoke to us about her department. After that we walked onto the movie sets as this time Muriel described what happens there. Slowly more Sea Orgs started coming in and dressing sets and some of them only got to say a friendly "hello."
After that part of the tour, we walked into the actors room. It looked like an English hunting lodge. Muriel asked us to take a seat and asked us if we wanted a beverage. I politely said "no thanks," and she came back with Coke, Dr. Pepper, water and orange juice. I said "no thank you" again.
Muriel then became very interrogational with us trying to figure out why we were there. What was our motive? Trust me, it took everything I had not to call bullshit on this cult. I said "I drive by here a lot and always wondered what it was. I don't know much about scientology other than Tom Cruise and John Travolta are in it." I asked a few questions about the place and, after about 30 minutes, she asked us to drive back to the reception area.
At the reception area she asked us to wait a few minutes and she came back with all kinds of swag. My brother wanted to buy Dianetics and asked me to pay with my card. I told him I don't want these folks to have any of my info. So he paid with his. LOL! [never do this - ed.]
Muriel gave us her card, gave us a hug and walked us out to my car and we then left the property, where Danny Dunigan was again and he said "Hello." LOL.
SEPT. 8, 2006: What more could a Hollywood Scientology beat reporter ask for? A missing person, a big movie star, a giant set, an exotic local ... Madrid. Is this a James Bond movie? No, if this was a Bond flick Tom Cruise would play the hero.
At this point Tom Cruise playing the hero in real life is "mission impossible."
Here TC gives a speech about how great the Church of Scientology is. Then he and great leader David Miscavige bound onto the stage to open yet another useless building that is part of a global real estate scam.
Journalist Tony Ortega has the transcription of Thomas Mapother Cruise's holy words:
I am going to attempt to speak to you
in Spanish.
So please, be patient with me. Be patient. Is that OK? I am very happy to be with you today. The reasons are simple. I adore and love this country and its people.
I was raised by my mother. We didn’t have much, but she gave me something I have held onto to this day: The importance of people. I care deeply about my family and my fellow man.
In fact, I value that above all else I possess. And that is why the only despair I ever felt was when I could not help. I confronted the same problems as everyone else: Conflict, upsets, interpersonal relationships. All those things that prevent the most valuable commodity in life: Happiness. That is what made me look for answers.
Twenty years ago, this despair was gone. It was the day I discovered Scientology. What I found were tools that work. Solutions that can be applied and that resolve, in fact, the problems of life. And above all, it helped me to find peace and happiness. And I will tell you what I got in life, as a man, as a father, as an artist — it is the result of being a Scientologist and having these tools.
If I could give you the world, I would. But can you achieve happiness?
That is why I am so happy to help give you this church, like the one I have had, so that you can reach your dreams.
Thank you very much, Spain.
Thank you very much."
Meanwhile in the audience then now missing person Shelly Miscavige is watching the whole thing. This is one of the only videos leaked that shows her still alive so close to her disappearance.
For a full report on the video go to TONY ORTEGA'S BLOG.
Thanks to super sexy original poster Tiziano Lugli who posted the original leak. How did he find a video that the Church had buried for years? Tiziano confesses "This is a video I obtained from the opening of the Madrid's CULT Organization. It was originally used for showings after the opening, and it was kept under guard by Office of Special Affairs. A few executives of the Madrid org got a DVD, among them, the president of the CULT in Madrid, Maria Gutierrez, who was also the MC at the grand opening. She gave the DVD to a friend when she was having her own doubts about the cult (she’s now left staff). The video then changed hands a few times and eventually found its way to me."
Short vid could unbrainwash Scilons at fifty paces even
with sound off
4, 2015 NYC - "Going Clear" the Scientology docu
opened at Lincoln Center on March 13th and somebody from
the show clearly saw it. They were inspired by the "We Stand
Tall" sequence of the movie that overlayed updates on the
horrible fates of cultists seen in a 1980's Scientology
music video. (See below). The show's staff swung into action
and, on April 4, this parody landed on the Scientology community
like an unexpected UFO. The consensus is that SNL
produced the artist equivalent of an animated short by the
Simpsons, Pixar or South Park in just weeks. Few other TV
shows have the production power of the New York stage and
SNL used it. Producer Lorne Michaels decided to go all out
and spend the bux on this labor of love. Or laughs. First the writers, inspired by the staff that saw "Going Clear", decided to parody "We Stand Tall." They lifted the style, melody, theme and look of the Church. Saved boffo time. Who puts on a better show than the Sci's any way? No need for "look development" meetings designers and crew, just watch this 20 year old video. Then the writers put together lyrics to go with the original melody. Words about "Xenu" and "giant clams" were no doubt satirically replaced in the end with "Meepthorp" and "starfish." The SNL staff band probably recorded the music and two female cast members with good voices laid down the main lyrics. A chorus was used to fill out the entire song. This was all edited into a slick soundtrack with which the talent could rehearse. A roughed out storyboard was probably made to get certain shots lined up and prepared ahead of time. Thank goodness the cult provided the look development because the prop department had only a few weeks to come up with the fake posters, books, logos, e-meters, etc. needed to fill out this early 1990's world. They included a number of background gags just like animation gag writers do. That makes a short subject "evergreen," meaning you can watch it over and over again and, as years pass, new audiences find it just as engrossing. For instance, one of the books they read is apparently titled "Ignoring the Brain." I'm always amazed what SNL does with wigs and costumes on live TV. Even if the skit isn't very funny I love the WIGS! Then that poor actor probably runs offstage after the skit and they yank that hair off of him and the sticky spirit gum holding it on makes him say "OWWW." Then he rushes to the next sketch during commercial and dons a new wig. This Neurotology bit is no exception, from the black roots of the lead female's hair to the weird sweaters. "Cosby Show" weird. David Miscavige and Bill Cosby from the 1980's were obvious inspirations. LRH's double breasted suit is spot on and his ascot is a given. Meanwhile simple sets were built/dressed and locations scouted for the "church interiors". They even matched the striated background in the group chorus shots from the original video. The entire cast and crew probably took part as extras in the wide scenes, minus Bobby Moynihan who plays LRH as he was already dead by then. Much giggling ensued no doubt, as they probably had a tough time keeping a straight face singing wide eyed songs about starfish and Meepthorp. Plus, they could just lip synch and not memorize lines. Other than pre-recorded lyrics nobody had lines to learn. It was all pantomime. This takes a lot of pressure off of the talent because SNL is a grueling show to work on. So many skits, so many lines. You get off work at 1 AM on Sunday morning and your boss has been likened to Dr. Evil from the "Austin Powers" movies. Don't make them do more work than they have to on this side bit sketch. And so, effort on this bit was spread more evenly across all departments. Then the editors took over and, using "We Stand Tall" as a template, they crafted an almost subliminal bit of nonsense every bit as funny and rewatchable as the best of "The Simpsons." The stock footage, the match cuts to the source, the VHS tape post processing and the 4:3 black and white LRH sections are icing on the cake. At ninety minutes SNL is a long show and has been on for a long time. NBC's ratings are so awful that it is sometimes the number one rated program on the network. Yet is forty years old and goes off the air at 1 AM Sunday mornings. Sigh. They have been criticized for taking one joke and stretching it out over an entire skit. Or an entire movie. Nevertheless, as this short subject proves, if they really want to stretch out a joke properly nobody can do this in live action like Lorne Michaels does. The melody, the lyrics, the visuals, the period, the Greek chorus of on-screen footnotes, the side jokes. You can't experience it all at once. When audiences see projects like this for the first time they might not laugh as much as you think they would. Because they are too busy taking it in. I could not even hear the hilarious lyrics about the starfish until the third viewing because I was too "distracted." I will be quoting the lyrics to this one for many years. Mostly to cultists. As you will see with my next video, "Angry Gay Pope Ruins Easter." It is more than half an hour long. That is TEN TIMES the length of the SNL parody. And just as funny in my own way. Oh, and it will be all too REAL. No joke. Except on them. |
The Video SNL is parodying |
Many people in this video have mysteriously disappeared
and are believed incarcerated or dead. "We Stand Tall" is
an internal Scientology music video from 1990. The video's
morale boosting song is reminiscent of the eighties charity
single "We are the World," and the Scientology leadership,
including long time leader David Miscavige, is seen singing
the chorus in unison. Miscavige is very short. Many have commented on the irony of David Miscavige being so short and yet commissioning a song about being tall. The video also includes footage of the Religious Freedom Crusade, a 1985 pro-Scientology protest spurred by a 39 million dollar fraud verdict against the organization. Other Scientologists seen in the video include Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun, who have fled, and Shelley Miscavige, who may be dead. |
Low ticket sales spur questions on motives of money
grubbing studio - unprofitable motives?
Angry Gay Pope stops by the L. Ron Hubbard life exhibit
on his way to see GOING CLEAR the excellent HBO cult
doc at the Cinerama Dome. Doors are locked and workers
are told to hide under their desks. I am serious. This
ground-breaking premiere is rubbed in people's faces
and a visit is made to the
Hollywood Education and Literacy Project (HELP).
The Gay Pope later returns to enturbulate them further,
with comedic results! Careful viewers can see the bobbing
head of the female Scilon hiding under her desk as she
crawls away from him.
This video contains copyrighted music and cannot be watched in Germany. There is also an ad visible during playback. This ad is meant to compensate those singers, musicians and writers whose music I have usurped. But the bux will probably just go to the music execs, google middle men and assorted shysters. |
would put a GOING CLEAR style talking head documentary in
such an absurd, overbuilt venue as the Cinerama Dome?
And the movie is going to air on HBO pay TV when?
A COUPLE OF WEEKS???? Talk about a "limited window."
Public theaters like the Dome HATE limited windows. They
are an existential threat. Plus little print or TV ad support?
WHAT? Try to fill seats for this one! The Cinerama
Dome usually hosts the kind of big budget special FX spectaculars
with huge marketing budgets that I used to work on before
my job was outsourced. Thankfully the studio execs
at the features unit didn't convert it to 3D and make me
rent expensive glasses. Would you really like to see
L. Ron Hubbard's teeth in 3D, especially after the 1970's??
Eww, the jaggies. What studio/global parent company leviathan pulled this bit of booking and marketing nonsense? Why Warner Brothers, of course. They have a long history of booking the Cinerama dome for films that don't fill the seats. Like CHAPPIE, the Sony produced sci fi robot flick that bombed at the Dome previously. GOING CLEAR replaced it. Wow, Scientology trumps and bumps science fiction. I know the studio's pain over failed product because I've worked on some of Warner Brothers biggest bombs. Sci fiers Pluto Nash with Eddie Murphy (still shown at right). Everthing went wrong technically for me on that one but I did my best work. Or Red Planet starring Val Kilmer. That prick. I think Red Planet even played the Dome. Hideous project to work on. Logarithmic to linear color conversion? What? Do I look like a mathematician? I spent a lot of time crafting art, but nobody would remember my work. The movies bombed. It was just like I was working on a BS Scientology construction project or presentation that would never really matter to audiences. But I still got paid. The Sci slaves didn't. Oh well. Speaking of payouts. Sounds like somebody paid extra to bump CHAPPIE out and book the Dome right now while the timing is perfect. Home Box Office paid for the doc but it premiered at the Sundance Film Fest (aka a public showing). Opening in LA before December makes it eligible for an Academy award in 2016. If it were to be shown first on HBO it would look just as good technically despite the massive size difference between the dome and a home flatscreen TV. But it would only be eligible for an Emmy. They are very common. Even I have a paper Emmy Award certificate. I burned it for heat one cold night during the great recession. Watching the online ticket sales for the roughly three weeks between LRH's birthday March 13 and the HBO premiere March 29 showed lackluster sales except on weekend evenings. It also was shown at Lincoln Center in NYC and the Presidio in San Francisco. Why would WB make such a grandiose booking gesture like this? Well, why does the the Church of Scientology also make grand booking gestures such as the Shrine Auditorium in Downtown LA? Like WB struggling to fill GOING CLEAR at the Dome, the Cult also struggles to fill the Shrine. The Church does that to send a message about how important they are not to make money. And WB has done the same thing in a kind of mirror image behavior. You see, just two blocks north is the Hollywood Guarantee Building, the Scientology Pentagon and it's global official address. Cult officials can look down their noses about fifteen stories and see, far below, the Cinerama Dome. The booking of this bubble world venue is meant to send a message that is CLEAR. WB and Arclight Theaters are not afraid of you and we will no longer be intimidated and we two capitalists are willing to lose money on this symbolic gesture to make a point. Time Magazine is part of the WB empire, and Time Magazine has not forgotten how horribly they were sued in the Clinton era for a story they did called "Scientology the cult of greed." Warner Brothers, the people who distributed massive stinker BATTLEFIELD EARTH, possibly the worst movie ever released by a US major, also gets payback. Plus Warner Brothers is the same studio that released the Angry Gay Pope's bible, V FOR VENDETTA. I am not surprised. They should release those two movies in a Blu-Ray double pack. The horrible color correction of Battlefield Earth should be recorded for long term posterity in maximum chroma fidelity. Warner's is also the same studio that has had a rep, since the 1930's, for telling hard boiled, gritty, realistic stories that competitors like Disney would never touch. I think the Warner boys would be quite proud of the work of HBO doc producer Sheila Nevins who, according to a Church smear video, "loves whores." I've worked on WB movies good and bad. AOL is the Angry Gay Pope's email handler and has been since 1990s. This studio is partially responsible for supporting my fight against the Church of Scientology. And so we get to the video I shot shown above that opens this story. The video of my enturbulation on March 13, 2015. L. Ron Hubbard's birthday wearing a Warner Brothers product. A Guy Fawkes mask. Glad to pay the massive markup of about $10 for a piece of plastic that costs almost nothing to manufacture or ship. It is not a co-incidence that WB decided to open this movie on LRH's birthday Friday the 13th which is also a bad luck omen date in America. They wanted to send a message. And that message is CLEAR. GOING CLEAR AT THE CINERAMA DOME. FREEDOM FOREVER! Watch in 2015 and see if the Arclight Theater Company's computer systems are hacked to prevent online ticket sales. If this does not happen, then the Church is shown to be especially weak. |
20, 2015: Scientology Security Guard Franc
Paolo subdues a person of interest near Hollywood and Vine
streets. Footage recorded by Hakeem Alexander who did a
wonderful job and is actually better looking and stronger
than the Angry Gay Pope, and I'm 6'2" 210 lbs. Too strong
looking for the guards to threaten him for recording the
incident. It helps when being a modern videographer to be
larger than your often aggressive subjects. Regardless of the attractiveness of the reporter, his images are disturbing. Was she at the Hollywood Guarantee Building and had an altercation? It would have to be a bad one for the security guards to follow her for two blocks. Unless she is a former Scilon and had a run in with them by design or accident. But she is Black, and Black Scientologists are as common as eyebrows on an egg. Nevertheless they have, in the last few years, done a major outreach to non-Whites. Has that outreach being successful enough for Black people to being going crazy from Scientology now just like decades of White people have in the past? I am not questioning her sanity, even though Hollywood Boulevard is covered with loonies. But it does not help her defense that she looks a bit shabby and claims to be pregnant. Even though she does not look pregnant at all. Oh what are they going to do with Franc Paolo now that this video has come out? He had already disappeared before in 2013-14. And his co-worker Guard Andy Knapp was reportedly RPF'd also recently. This won't be good for Franc's "career" I think, even though he was doing exactly what he was told to do and LRH insisted he do. But he looks bad on camera and very aggressive. Also: Why does the rent-a-cop have red marks on his neck? Did she wail on him while his head was turned left? As usual with these stories, the truth remains to be seen. But the sight of Franc and the female Scilon "victim" laughing together late in the incident will not help them in court if it gets to that. Which is why we all keep watching don't we! Yes we do! Rest assured the Angry Gay Pope is digesting the full 30 minute event for your YouTube examination very soon. VIDEOGRAPHER HAKEEM ALEXANDER COMMENTS: I actually arrived just in time to see her running down Hollywood Blvd. on the south side of the street heading east towards Vine and then turning south on Vine towards Sunset. I was on the north side and crossed over and she ran right in front of me. Seconds later, the security officer identified as Franc Paolo was running after her. But she ran down an alley which was a big mistake because it is behind the Hollywood Education and Literacy Project which is run by Scientology. Shortly after that, the 2nd security officer was seen pushing and grabbing the woman, and she ran into traffic towards Wells Fargo bank. At 1st I went into Trader Joe's to get some food when she went into the bank thinking they would let her be. But when I came out 5 minutes later, they had her up against the wall, I was concerned for the woman and how she was being handled; and though I would have liked to physically intervene, I decided it was time to document it and confirm that LAPD was in fact on the way instead. RAW FOOTAGE: FULL VIDEO |
The E-Meter is Ticking
2014: Furious over "Going Clear" the upcoming
HBO Documentary on them, the Church of Sci spared no expense
making this video trashing my researcher and fellow Anon
Happy Smurf/Garry Scarff and fourteen others. Others who
prefer to remain nameless. Because I know them.
Only Smurf wanted me to post his video here. Their hate
videos on public figures like Jason Beghe, however, can
be seen below. What really happened with Smurf is that he was a former Mormon. A Scientologist working in OSA for years. They told him to lie and do illegal things. Now that he has left and become an apostate they swap positions and criticize him for that. Because he did the evil things he was told to do. Therefore HE is evil. Not the Church that made him do it. They also forget little things like he was told to kill Cynthia Kisser, the leader of the Cult Awareness Network that the Church destroyed. And so he fled for his own life. And, when he told the FBI of his VIP problems, they shrugged it off. Garry is my go-to guy to ID people I see in my videos or we see in person. He also is my secret conduit to message with OSA back and forth behind the scenes for things. Will I defend Smurf against these hilarious allegations? Of course not! The Angry Gay Pope always attacks, rarely defends. These videos are all a hodgepodge of nonsense and silly semi-facts. These "fair game" videos issued they have resorted to putting the victim in a sympathetic position. Can you imagine, the victim in a sympathetic position in America?? Nevertheless the Church's careful recording of such events is a very worthwhile endeavor. If only other member of Anonymous had been so careful in keeping a record of their protest library of videos, sounds and documents. The Church is doing a wonderful job of recording the goings of of its menbers and it's protesters. And reproducing them for posterity. For the Church of Sci's full response go here:www.freedommag.org/hbo/ Each clip is similar: three minutes of the exact same opening and a few minutes of slander/libel. Preferably ending with a potshot at an HBO executive plus the same three minute ending. Wait, the same three minute beginning? What strange storytelling. They know how to tell stories. They know that using the same opening over and over fools people into thinking that they have seen this video before. And the web viewer clicks off and moves on. Is it possible that the Church of Sci doesn't want it's own believers to visit the Freedom magazine website reaction article and view the attack videos? If they did, then long time Scientologists might see that their former friends had been exorcised. Attacked. Sent to the Soylent Green factory public relations-wise. Nobody covers these events like Tony Ortega shown at right. Check out his blog for the full story. He was at the premiere in Sundance with the people involved in the docu. The event was very well attended. Also lots of celebs, etc. More on these morons soon. NY TIMES: Hiding behind the story instead of leading it once again oh grey lady. NEW YORK TIMES COVERAGE Below are some MORE great fair game videos, even better than Smurf's! |
Oh the lovely lies! Watch as actor Jason Beghe is viciously, and hilariously, smeared in this video created by the Church of Scientology. Furious that Beghe, dumb enough to be a Scientologist in the first place, took part in an HBO documentary by Alex Gibney, the Church pulled out all the stops making this "fair game" video on Beghe and thirteen others. If Jason were such a horrible person he would no longer be working in Hollywood. Which he still is. So how could he be that horrible? And, if he was so bad, why did the Church put up with him for years? I, and my works, appear in the videos around the edges. Hey when do I get MY smear video? I'll write it myself. Stalker, cyber-terrorist and member of Anonymous, restraining orders, had to give up his guns ... WHAT guns? 1. Send PI's, process servers and others around to upset Jason 2. Get him on camera freaking out 3. Charge him with something and use the video as evidence 4. The charges end up failing, but he was still trashed and put through expensive legal hoops And if Beghe gets into any trouble on his own exploit it maximus. Distract from the true crimes of the Church of Scientology. Why? Because the real violent bully is Church Leader David Miscavige, not Jason Beghe. While outsiders may find the video puzzling or hilarious, it was not made for them. It was not even made for Cult Insiders. It was made to please great leader David Miscavige. He is the sole audience that matters. The best parts are when they show Beghe beating people and sticking guns in their mouths. The narrator doesn't even mention that he is on a TV show at the time! Then they criticize him for being a phony because he can cry on cue ... while he is on the job acting! I don't even think the Church wants its own members to see this video of their former friend being trashed. "What If they do that to me when I leave?" they may think. The Church put a redundant 3 minute opening on each trash video, perhaps hoping people would not watch it because they thought they had seen it before. I've removed the offending opening and closing to give you just the part about Jason. In fact, they probably edited the videos that way to keep them unwatched. So I did their bidding and removed the generic beginning of Jason's video, and the generic ending with it's "copyright warning," and placed it on my own Youtube page editorially. I'm sure the Church wanted me, and others, to do this. Their website at http://www.freedommagazine.com deliberately obfuscates this video. I don't like that. The Church's "fair gaming" behavior should be held up to the harsh light of day. Meanwhile I am Disney animator w/an Emmy from Spielberg/Tom Hanks. Beghe is just some super-rich actor w/a potty mouth and an incredibly bad sense of self. Otherwise why would he fallen for COS? Are these charges against Beghe true? Of course not. Here's how it works. Am I just spreading Scientology's filth and repeating lies until they achieve truthy-ness? |
Anonymous would like to thank the Church of Scientology for the opportunity to disseminate their vile propaganda. Vile propaganda aimed against themselves, not me! They can't raise themselves to the point where they recognize I exist. It would give me attention! What am I gonna do, indoctrinate others to my way of thinking? Oh ... yeah .. rightnevermind. SEE bitter, defrocked apostate MARTY RATHBUN and the CULT he left behind bonk each other over the head using Internet footage! HEAR the CRUNCH as car doors are slammed on human flesh. FEEL like this video should have ended by now, but it just keeps going! ASK! Which Scientologists suffer more, the ones on the outside like Marty Rathbun being stalked, or the ones on the inside producing this bullshit video? ANSWER: Both. Hooray! Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself. - Napoleon Bonaparte Don't forget to visit Freedom Magazine for the whole story! FREEDOM MAGAZINE: http://www.freedommag.org/hbo/ MARTY RATHBUN BLOG: http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/ |
Feel frustrated when the super-rich Church of Scientology bitch slaps society and the government doesn't care? Now you can do something about it! Just donate to me, the Angry Gay Pope. I'll take the heat for you. I've become the main Los Angeles Scientology protestor and investigator. You'll be sticking it to the Scis while you help fund the Pope's daily enturbulation affirmation. What is enturbulation? You'll know it when you see it in my videos. And they are pretty slick. It takes a lot of time to edit the implosion of the Church of Scientology into entertainment Besides making hilarious and educational videos I've exposed the Church's illegal work conditions, the cops they pay off and secret cult locations like Twin Peaks that few media visit. I've been documenting the history of this bozo religion's decline since 2008. My videos have a lot of conflict and yelling in them but fans tell me they watch them to RELAX. Relax??? I think they like seeing an all powerful organization exposed and made fun of by just one (very motivated) guy. This is an in-your-face look at America's most infamous and powerful cult. You'll meet bozo Church guards, befuddled slaves, major Church figures and the worst lawyers in the world. Plus Kirstie Alley's oversized butt. My work is included in major Wikipedia entries, seen in local newscasts around the world and used in several European documentaries. And it's all stored for posterity on my website AngryGayPope.com. You can donate in increments of $5, $10 and $15 dollars which are pledged monthly and you can cancel at any time. So don't slip into a lower condition of withholds. Be at cause over MEST (matter energy space and time) by donating today! Since 2008 hundreds of different people have donated safely and securely over the Internet without any interference from the Church. |