4, 2014: Scientology lawyer Kendrick Moxon
sued me in Internet Court to gain ownership of my former
website . While not a court of
law per se the ruling of the arbitration board affects
who owns and controls this domain. I have switched
the website over to an "under construction" page.
It's ownership will transfer to Mr. Moxon in about ten
days. Even though I have lost access to the website
url "" the files of the website
are still available and searchable on Google
right here on I have added
a major click through disclaimer with links to Mr. Moxon's
own website to attempt to mitigate ICANN's previous
problems with the website. Still more changes
will be made to further satisfy the arbitration panel
and Mr. Moxon. The new site is called
and will be up shortly.
MOXON'S COMPLAINT - Filed by Moxon's Mormon lawyer
Utah Patent Attorney - Steven Rinehart
shown below
looking smarmy before a white background. Jurisdictional
basis, complainant's background, Respondent's bad faith
registration, complainant's common law mark, rights
and legitimate interest.
MOXON'S ANNEXES (aka Appendices) - The documents
contain the Angry Gay Pope's real name and the name
of a woman who has a second restraining order against
him. There are also very clumsily duplicated website
stills courtesy of Steven Rinehart. UDRP uniform domain
policy resolution, bar membership profiles, injunction
against respondent, photographs of respondent harassing
complainant's client, police reports and injunctions,
correspondence between complainant and respondent, wikipedia
article on complainant, website at disupted domain,
third-party videos of complainant, sample litigation
filings, google search results for mark, whois record,
screenshots of website.
ANGRY GAY POPE'S RESPONSE - Delivered and edited
by my lawyer Graham Berry. Prominent disclaimer,
complainant has no functioning website, legitimate non-commercial
fair use, lateness/laches, Complainant's career not
jeopardized, monetary compensation not demanded, public
recording, website a glorified links page, Respondent's
legal issues with COS irrelevant, AGP a legit journalist,
client has no interest in selling website, Complainant
resorting to Wog law not at cause.
ANGRY GAY POPE'S ANNEXES (aka Appendices) - Properly
recorded website stills, prominent disclaimer,,
pages, COS sponsors hate pages, website statistics,
the Church of Scientology's own hate websites against
Angry Gay Pope, Graham Berry, Karen De La Carriere and
Marty Rathbun, AGP in the media, Moxon's alleged affair,
the "Avagram."
MOXON'S REBUTTLE - Laches not a defense, disclaimer
on website doesn't obviate confusing similarity,
complainant's mark is Kendrick Moxon. Monetary damages
cannot be awarded in UDRP cases, respondent not carried
JUDGE 'S DECISION - Written by Judge Carolyn Marks
Johnson. The judge experienced a scandal in Texas court
when the
state reprimanded Johnson for having a defendant
submit to a drug test just moments AFTER said defendant
was found Not Guilty by a jury in trial. Judge
Johnson's daughter is also a lawyer
specializing in human trafficking issues.
JUDGE'S FINDINGS: Identical or confusingly similar,
rights or legitimate interests, registration and use
in bad faith, laches, decision in favor of Kendrick
Lichty Moxon, Esquire.
As someone unfamiliar
with the new practice of Internet law I found this to
be an engaging and educating process. The judge's disregard
for laches on both sides was particularly interesting
to me. Therefore the Angry Gay Pope has decided
that this legal adventure was deemed "worthwhile."
And, of course, a new website is coming. You can
test it out
right here. I will use what I have learned
from this defeat to take everything to the next level.
Which Mr. Moxon has done by instigating this and causing
the Internet to talk more about him and this issue and
link to my pages.
I will not retreat I will shift
to the side and another website full of the same data
and links. Now the onus is on Mr. Moxon to go forward
instead. To make this newly awarded website he has waited
for so long
... at cause. Can he do it? And for how long?