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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU RON (L. RON HUBBARD) ![]() Scientologists sing their version of "Happy Birthday" to deceased founder L. Ron Hubbard (left) on March 13, 2012. On this day in 1911, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was born in Tilden, Nebraska. This celebration was recorded in Scientology Mecca Clearwater, Florida (FLAG Land Base). I believe the lead singer is an Australian woman born into the cult (aka a totally imprinted and mindfucked Scilon who cannot be reasoned with). |
WE ARE THE IAS (INTERNATIONAL ASS. OF SCIENTOLOGISTS) ![]() A song about the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) starring Jazz great Chick Corea, rapper Chill E. B. and the right Reverend Alfreddie Johnson. It was meant to be shown to other Scientologists and to stroke the egos of the singers involved to thank them for their donations of time and money. The medals and awards you see some of the singers wearing indicate just how much they donated. The Scientologists celebrated the 28th Anniversary of the IAS here in Los Angeles at the Shrine Auditorium this Nov 4, 2012. |
INGLEWOOD IDEAL ORG GRAND OPENING MUSICAL NUMBER ![]() 2011: Scientology hires a bunch of Black people to entertain the White crowd as Caucasian great leader L. Ron Hubbard watches the opening of the Inglewood, CA Ideal Org. Inglewood is a predominantly Black neighborhood of Los Angeles.. After only sixty years the cult has discovered African Americans because it has run out of White people to steal money from. When these Ideal Org opening numbers begin the cops tell protesters to stop screaming about injustice because they would be interrupting a "religious ceremony" - illegal in California due to an obscure law. Does this ceremony strike you as "religious?" The system says "Yes." For the few minutes this thing goes on. Then the Ideal Org opens and nobody comes in ever again. Cops say "Hey everything is peaceful now!." And they are right. NOTE: I did not take this video. I would never have been allowed on the property. It was uploaded by a bystander and I stabilized and sharpened it for use on my website. The bystander wanted to promote the singers who were hired. I made sure it does not work out that way. The shocking thing is that the Black rapper singing at 5:05 in the video mentions the "Fifth of November the day we will always remember." Why is he clearly referencing Guy Fawkes Day the only holiday of Anonymous? Sounds like he didn't like the gig and wanted to mock it. Or did he? |
KIRSTIE ALLEY'S ORGANIC LIASON PROMO ANIMATION ![]() Promotional animation for Kirstie Alley's failed weight loss drink "Organic Liaison." Check it out at OrganicLiaison.com . Ooops sorry the website is dead. She was bought out by Jenny Craig who only kept two of her products, one of which was a caffeine shot. She was sued by people who said her products were a gimmick. Her false front weight loss store in Los Feliz is no more. Yet the House of Pies across the street survived Covid. The song was written by handsome hunk Carlos Bertonatti (left). Entitled spoiled brat Bertonatti faced manslaughter charges in Florida for running over a bicyclist and fleeing the scene while drunk driving. This is the kind of rich, spoiled, drunken person Kirstie Alley associates with. The bicyclist's machine was caught in his wheel well the entire time. Speaking of time, he was sentenced to twelve years for the death of Christopher Le Canne in 2010. He was released in 2021. The animation is well done for what it is. I'm an Emmy award winning Hollywood animator so what I say about animation means something. Love the song, hate the writer. |
Self-Absorbed Rap Video by White Aussie Luke Ayers (Scientologist) ![]() Oh it is horrible when down under Whities mimic anything American badly. It is even worse when they are Scientologists. This self-absorbed nitwit Luke Ayers has actually posted videos online about how to sell a tea cup using photographs. In 2021 he took the "Cause Resurgence Rundown" and the "Student Hat" course. "Hatting" in Scientology means "learning your job." He is not in the Sea Org he works in IT sales in Sydney. He is probably from a rich family, at least they were when they joined the cult! Luke Ayers has attempted to censor this video on YouTube. Why would he do that? |
HISPANIC SCIENTOLOGISTS "SING" AT WINTER WONDERLAND 2009 ![]() A collection of musical talent (some more talented than others) offered by the cult of Scientology in it's 2009 Winter Wonderland. That area of Hollywood Boulevard is erected most holiday seasons as a way to lure Hispanics (and especially their children, which Latins tend to have lots of). Scientology has run out of White people to steal money from. As recorded by the Angry Gay Pope Christmas 2009. Giving these Hispanic singers an audience was a way to stroke their ego and reward them for their donations of time and money. |
I THINK YOU MIGHT LIKE IT ![]() DECEMBER 2012: John Travolta and Olivia Newton John have gotten together to release a Christmas album whose proceeds go to charity. Olivia had cancer and has a cancer center in Australia. Travolta is giving his proceeds to his own Jett Travolta Foundation. Like all Scientology charities it is a scam. It shares the same PO box he uses for his fan mail and it has raised little money. And why should it? Who would give to an anti-autism charity when Travolta doesn't believe in autism to begin with? Indeed some of the money went to Scientology front group Narconon. And the foundation's website never mentions how much it donated to each group. At least Olivia's money will go to helping others. Meanwhile the rest of the world is mocking the cheap, cheesy promo video they made for the one new song on the album, John Farrar's "I think you might like it." Farrar has written some of Olivia's biggest hits. This will probably not be one of them. What is wrong with this video? I don't need to list them because somebody else already did! Like all great Christmas movies, the video was shot in snowless Ocala Florida. The location? "Jumbolair," Travolta's house which is part of an airport so he can park his jet on a driveway next to his home as if it were a car. I'm sure we can all relate to this super-rich 1 percenter and his excitement over finally getting back to his mansion and parking his plane. Then he sings a song about "making love all night" with Olivia while his wife Scientologist Kelly Preston is at the airport with the kids. |
SANTA HOMIE BY CHILL E.B. ![]() DECEMBER 2016: Black Scientologists are as common as eyebrows on an egg. Rapper Chill E.B. (shown at left with fellow cultist and jazz bassist Stanley Clarke) surrounds himself with fake Florida snow and sings "Santa Homie." Recorded at the Clearwater Florida L. Ron Hubbard Winter Wonderland, the video gives a good look at the large Christmas display the cult erects every year. Much bigger and more elaborate than their one on Hollywood Boulevard. The Church uses the Christmas village to try to attract new members, especially Latin children. It never works. Chill E.B. is about all the Cult can do as far as celebrities go any more. You can see how they pull out all the stops to help their celebs create entertainment. This makes Chill E.B. feel special, promotes the Winter Wonderland, and is partial payback for the vast amounts of money Chill E.B. has no doubt given them over the years. CHILL E.B. YOUTUBE CHANNEL: CHILL EEE-BEE! Chill E.B. has only gotten 242 views in an entire WEEK though. My channel is hardly busy but I could do that in a DAY. |
DAUNTLESS, DEFIANT AND RESOLUTE ![]() Black singer Chill E.B. raps off camera about Scientology while a large number of White people lip sync. This internal promotional video was not really meant to be seen by the outside world. The IAS is the International Ass. of Scientologists. "Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute" is a Scientology slogan about the IAS organization. These videos are designed to be shown at fundraisers (volume turned all the way up) as a form of "motivation." That is, donate money so you can leave and you don't have to hear this again. |
WE STAND TALL - 2010 VERSION ![]() The Church of Scientology shows why it has made it in Hollywood for so long with this elaborate production number worthy of an Oscar telecast. From the 2009-2010 New Year celebration at the Shrine Auditorium. The very same room the Academy of Motion Pictures recorded so many Oscar telecasts. Featuring a large supporting cast of non-Whites hired especially for the occasion. This is a re-make of a previous video made years earlier. That original version of the song can be heard below. |
![]() "We Stand Tall" is an internal Scientology music video from 1990. The video's morale boosting song is reminiscent of the eighties charity single "We are the World," and the Scientology leadership, including long time leader David Miscavige, is seen singing the chorus in unison. The video also includes footage of the Religious Freedom Crusade, a 1985 pro-Scientology protest spurred by a $39 million dollar fraud verdict against the organization. Many have commented on the irony of David Miscavige being so short, so Napoleonesque, yet he commissioned a song about being tall. Other Scientologists seen in the video include Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun. See below for their horrible, horrible fates in the years after this production was recorded. The docu "Going Clear" marked the people involved in real time and inspired SNL writers to parody it. Or rather, "tribute album it." ![]() SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SPOOFS WE STAND TALL ![]()
The Church of Scientology gets hilariously spoofed by some SNL writers who saw the documentary "Going Clear" on HBO. This big budget parody is really more of a tribute album since Scientology is so stupid that it parodies itself. The SNL team put a lot of time into writing and recording music, coming up with 1980's style wigs and clothes, and generally conforming to the truth. Note how not a lot of people are laughing out loud during the showing, probably because they are too busy watching! However, the roar of approval from the audience at the end shows just how well the skit went over. |
RARE VIDEO: The Church wants it deleted! Music breaks out at the 1993 announcement of the Church of Scientology's victory over the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS battle had cost the Church millions so no expense was spared on this celebration, which includes this musical number "Nothing's gonna stop us now!". But the added titles tell the real story. The Church has been in decline ever since and this was, in reality, their finest moment! |