JANUARY 16, 2017: All White religion Scientology
is visited on MLK Day in Black neighborhood of Inglewood, CA. Most of their
members were out marching hypocritically in the MLK Day parade. That meant
protesters the Angry Gay Pope and his assistant Nasty Nathanial were able
to wander free in this, the Church's largest service center in Inglewood.
Scientology is Whiter than Mormonism and has no interest in low-income Inglewood.
Except when it comes to buying valuable white elephant properties in the
area and making inroads with Black supremacist cult the Nation of Islam.
the place was full of broken museum displays, pushy guards, overpriced books
and photography bans. But it was still hilarious! What is not funny
is that the IRS should come down on them for running a phony museum they
can't even maintain and has not visitors. The Church gets special tax privileges
because it is a religion. But it must proselytize itself (spread the word)
in order to keep those privledges. With so many video kiosks broken
the Church should be given a real auditing by the IRS to ask why they make
so little effort to educate the public here in one of their holiest places,
an Ideal Org, the largest of their meeting houses.
The lady that was the receptionist at the Inglewood Community Centers
name is Betty. She has been on staff now for at least 10 years. She
isn't all there lol I can tell you that!! The gentleman in one of your
photos is Ray Ford. He is the Technical Secretary for the
foundation [night] shift . His wife is also on staff and is in charge of the
body routers [pamphleteers]. I was
on staff for two years and I can tell you it is beyond messed up. They, to
this day, still follow me and my husband. They had huge hopes that my
husband would of became a auditor and slave away his life in there.
Please feel free to ask me anything! lol I also have a limited edition
Dianetics gold paged book haha.
I got involved because I
was looking to make a change in my life. I was recommended by a friend.
I was going down the wrong path... As for Betty, she hasn't always been
at the Community Center. She was first on staff at the org in Inglewood,
however the Sea Org members that are posted in Inglewood can't stand
her and they know that barely anyone goes into the Community Center
so they sent her over there. She sits in there and writes letters all
day to send out as part of the weekly stat to try to get people into
the org and on to services.
The security systems that they have set up
cover not only the Community Center but also the Inglewood Ideal Org. They
have someone who watches the cameras over in Inglewood, mainly at night
unless there is an issue. Then Armando will go and watch the cameras.
I don't know much about their facial recognition software, that is mainly DSA
[Director of Special Affairs] and OSA [Office of Special Affairs] who knows about that. I did hear you talk about the security
patrol car that is parked over in Inglewood [with the flat tire]... it hasn't run
3 years and is only there to scare people off. I do know that the security
guard, who is only a staff member, watches the cameras and in case there
is a issue over at the Community Center, depending on the time of the
day, will send over Armando or a police officer to investigate.
My husband and I did the purif [purification rundown] and life repairs. We had started
the survival rundowns but soon bolted from the cult and have been trying
to get our money back ... They have someone on the inside at banks and
also with credit cards who will approve loans and cards and then the
cult will then make multiple runs to max out the cards, without your
permission. They use the fair game tactics so that people won't speak
out and won't file complaints.
Do you remember when the news
story came out about a man who allegedly came into the org with a sword??
Well I don't believe that he came in with it. I believe that they were
most likely regging [aggressively fundraising] the guy and he had enough and grabbed the sword
that they have in the meeting room that they use for good luck during
the times that they are waiting for the decisions from banks and credit
card companies. They did this with my husband and I for over a week!!!
[sword touched for good luck that cult will get more money].