This humble three ring binder contains the kernel's of truth, the useful examples in everyday life of conducting infiltration. On identifiying who is not 100% on your side. Like "Infiltrating the local Parent/Teacher's Association (PTA) are a must read for ANONYMOUS protesters. Even if you don't care how to infiltrate social groups the various sections on cult folderall are fascinating.
So much of it is so mind numbing and so full of jargon it is hard to read.
Trying to understand is designed to make you hypnotized.
HCO's are
Hubbard Communication Office directives from L.R.H. himself. Can you imagine
people had to read or write this stuff all day? But that is all their
jargon. Which is why I am making an effort to preserve it.

got it online. This junk used to flood the market. But now copies of
this manual have been re-purchased by the Church of Scientology. Much harder to find. This makes
it seem like their product has more value.I had to do some research to find out who paid for this copy I scanned in
for your edification. Thanks Sean Griffin of Garland Texas in 2001 for this! And also for a rare view of what a Scientology bill at that time
looked like.
He paid about a thousand 2001 dollars for the course and manual.
A three ring binder of a three ringed circus religion.