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NEWS: LA Magazine reporter go after Marty Rathbun "You killed my dog!"
NEWS:  Google announces "What is Scientology" one of the most searched internet phrases in America 2012
NEWS:  Coroner's report on Alexander Jentzsch's death released read it here ...

john travolta olivia newton john christmas album DIRECT LINK TO VIDEO:

  John Travolta and Olivia Newton John have gotten together to release a Christmas album whose proceeds go to charity.  Olivia had cancer and has a cancer center in Australia.  Travolta is giving his proceeds to his own Jett Travolta Foundation. Like all Scientology charities it is a scam. It shares the same PO box he uses for his fan mail and it has raised little money. And why should it? Who would give to an anti-autism charity when Travolta doesn't believe in autism to begin with? Indeed some of the money went to Scientology front group Narconon.  And the foundation's website never mentions how much it donated to each group.  At least Olivia's money will go to helping others.

Meanwhile the rest of the world is mocking the cheap, cheesy promo video they made for the one new song on the album, John Farrar's "I think you might like it."  Farrar has written some of Olivia's biggest hits. This will probably not be one of them. What is wrong with this video?  I don't need to list them because somebody else already did!

Like all great Christmas movies, the video was shot in snowless Ocala Florida. The location?  "Jumbolair," Travolta's house which is part of an airport so he can park his jet on a driveway next to his home as if it were a car. I'm sure we can all relate to this super-rich 1 percenter and his excitement over finally getting back to his mansion and parking his plane.

scientology protester happy smurfPROTESTER HAPPY SMURF ON THE VIDEO:   There may be more to the story than all the PR & fluff that Travolta & ONJ are putting out. Newton-John sued Universal Music Group in 2006 for failing to pay her share of the profits from the 'Grease' album. This caused a noticeable rift between Travolta & Newton-John for years (when they refused to appear in public together) because Travolta received his royalties & didn't lift a finger to help ONJ get hers. ... oundtrack/

Watch the body language of Newton-John in recent interviews with Travolta. All the fluff & professed love for each other comes across as contrived. The case was settled this month. " According to documents filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, both the sides have brokered a deal contingent upon "the satisfactory completion of specified terms." ... wsuit.html

Is this Christmas album & promotion of it a condition of the settlement? The album is "under exclusive license to Universal Music Enterprises" whom Newton-John sued.

river of vomit logo harry potter angry gay pope

The first three rows are gonna get thrown up on...

NEWS:  Scientology president's son dies from medical neglect, cult keeps Mom from body

  Fall movie "The Master" a semi-bio of L. Ron Hubbard

Prancing Gay go go boys mock Mormon Mitt Romney using facts
The cult of Mormonism has finally come close to getting the White House. But their nominee is so weak that a bunch of go go boys can tear him to shreds with simple remarks like "two years of tax returns ain't enough."   Unfortunately, after the appearance of Donald J. Trump mister Romney is a Mormon angel by comparison!
Starring: Colby Melvin, Quinn C. Jaxon, David Brackett, Brandon R. Brown, Johnathan Myers Written and Produced by Full Frontal Freedom

NEWS:  Actor/Scientologist Johnny Lewis murder-suicide in Hollywood

NEWS:  Ex-Scientologists Jenna Miscavige Hill to write a tell all book. under construction: Going upstat and uptone
(I'm sick of being covertly hostile)
Angry Gay Pope LA Times My website is being rewritten from the ground up using the most modern browser settings. That means a small number of pages are broken and half constructed.

The old version, which features a flash main menu with sound, had problems. Apple decided not to support flash on it's popular Ipad and Iphone products.  That means Apple's customers couldn't navigate my site and go from page to page.  My flash animation crashed the browser sometimes. Oops.  The website code was inefficient and junk filled. I was going to go to lower conditions if stats didn't improve!

The new website looks like this page. That is good. But this page is large and takes a while to load.  That is bad. Time to move things to a 2012 history file.  Overall the site loads faster, runs faster, uses smaller files, is better organized and integrates cutting edge browser effects like cascading style sheets.  So uptone! This means little things like automatic text shadows, 3d borders, and drop shadows happen while you watch. Not as a fancy Photoshop graphic I would have to upload as a large file just to get an effect like drop shadows. But none of this matters if you use Windows XP or have an old browser.

You have upgraded your browser right? Maybe your web viewing program needs to take the next step up the bridge to total freedom!?

This website looks best under Firefox 5 for Windows and works best under Internet Explorer 9.  Be sure to upgrade your browser now that IE 10 is coming out.  And dump Windows XP it is ancient, unsafe and Microsoft will stop issuing security updates for it in 2014!  The latest browsers look best, work best and are the most secure. But Apple products are still mediocre with websites.

I hereby declare this website to be in lower conditions and a potential trouble source (PTS) until the upgrade is completed.

NEWS:  Leader David Miscavige sued by two private investigators he paid millions to spy on cultists for 25 years! To read the Texas lawsuit click here...

NEWS:  Vanity Fair finally realizes the cult auditions Tom Cruise's wives
NEWS:  Village Voice raises thousands to help Mark and Claire Headley

Hollywood Cultists Told That Spokesman Tommy Davis routed out

HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD 9/1/2012:  Protesters spontaneously descend on Hollywood Boulevard Scientologists to discuss how cult spokesman Tommy Davis "routed out" (left the priesthood).

Also cancer, Karen Carpenter, kidnapping, two lapd cops, four fire trucks, four security guards, angry bicyclist spits on car, more discussions of blowing than a porno movie review ... another day in Hollywood.  Special guests Karen Carpenter, Fredrick Paolo, "Not Andy".   Assistant director "Happy Smurf."

According to Smurf Davis has routed out and hired two Jewish lawyers in a father son legal office to represent him somehow. Why would anyone with access to Sci lawyers hire a legal rep of their own? 

scientologist tommy davis
gay scientologist steven meyer
immigrant scientologist female

Hollywood Education and Literacy Project Infiltration

HELP interior Sept 1 2012HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD 9/1/2012:  I visited the Scientology owned Hollywood Education & Literacy project. It's a reading room designed to indoctrinate children into LRH tech using Applied Scholastics and tutors. Apparently they even tutor adults now. It is a division of ABLE.

I am banned from going to Scientology schools however this is not one of them. It is a public reading room. So in I went! If it were a Scientology school I would have been taken to court months ago for showing up across the street. Even across the street would have been a violation if this had been a legit cult school such as the Delphi Academy.

She will still be punished for talking to me. By their bizarre standards it is her fault she is in this video! I apologize but this video contains only one joke. Sorry! I guess I need H.E.L.P.!


scientology beverly hills

scientology santa monica missionThe rest of Beverly Hills might be posh but not the Scientology Mission Beverly Hills.  They obviously can't afford to get a new sign even though Scientology AND Beverly Hills are both extremely image conscious.  Note that the "y" was ripped off, the "S" was replaced badly, and all the smaller letters were yanked off.  This left unsightly glue spots which were then painted over in tacky gold.  Meanwhile the Church just opened two giant, lush buildings in Inglewood this year.  Why aren't they spending money on this mission? Because this mission is not owned by the church it is owned by franchisees.

I would show you a link to the Mission's website but they no longer have one.  According to the main Sci website they are open 9AM-10PM but not when I was there. I checked the parking lot several times and, although the cars changed, nobody opened the place.

I assume they are broke and/or are in such a rut they can't even see the sign anymore.

  Actor Jason Beghe settles lawsuit with Kendrick Moxon

  Village Voice reports on "the hole" prisoner ward at Gold Base


JULY 2012:  While protesting Scientology on L. Ron Hubbard way in Hollywood the cult called in a false police report on me. The cops drove up and handcuffed me no questions asked. Unfortunately the handcuffs were too tight and gave my right thumb nerve damage. Angry Gay Pope gives this one a numb thumb up. The Scientologists and the protesters both try to manipulate the police. LAPD. Finally the cops realize they have been duped.

The numbness in my right thumb has continued unabated since the incident. It went away after about three months. Just as Karen de la Carriere predicted! Which is our next story.

  Scientology president's son dies from medical neglect, cult keeps Mom from body

karen de la carriereJULY 2012: Another day another untimely death in the Church of Scientology under David Miscavige.  This time it is Alexander Jentzsch, the son of two very high ranking Scientologists.  Heber Jentzsch (right) is the president of Scientology and has been held captive for many years.  His mother Karen de la Carriere (left) is shown being comforted during the memorial service.  She was a Scientology "auditor" of the highest rank yet was kept captive at Gold Base for six months before being thrown out of the cult. 

Since her son (right) was forbidden to talk to her she had no idea he was in poor health and that his life might have been saved with standard antibiotics.  She did not learn of her son's death until days afterward and the cult even kept her from seeing her dead son's body.   For details see The Village Voice.  The LAPD coroner is now investigating his death, a rarity for Scientology.  They usually squash negative publicity by pressuring the cops.

boat trip

A boat was rented in Long Beach and a mixture of ex-Scientologists, Freezoners and protesters were invited including myself.  Hubbard scripture was quoted at length at the memorial. Rose petals and wreaths were thrown into the sea.  "This is why Katie doesn't want Suri in Scientology!" the tearful mom told "Inside Edition."

She fled Scientology with nothing but eventually became a successful art dealer.  She is one of the major sellers of works by recently deceased painter Thomas Kincade.
heber jentzsch HEBER JENTZSCH

alexander jentzschALEXANDER JENTZSCH
Protester Mark Bunker Records the event
Scientology's emphasis on the group over the individual can make it difficult to stay alive.  In fact, they like it that way.
REINCARNATION is a central tenant of the cult because it cheapens life right now.  "Let's just work these people to death and it won't matter because if they die they will just reincarnate instantly and come back to work for us when they are old enough."  This is why the Sea Org, their priest class, signs a billion year contract.  They are expected to serve Scientology, die, return, serve Scientology, die, and return about 25 million times until they have served the billion years they signed up for. After that I suppose they get a break. Despite their belief in reincarnation no one has appeared on their doorstep saying they were here to return to serve Scientology for a second lifetime.

kool cigarettes logo church of spiritual technology logoSMOKING is encouraged in Scientology because founder L. Ron Hubbard chain smoked Kool cigarettes.  And I mean really chain smoked. He chain smoked so much that he ended up basing the logo for the Church of Spiritual Technology, Scientology's highest organization, on the Kool logo.  This logo was eventually gouged into the earth to identify Scientology sacred property from space.  After he died Scientology buildings around the globe built offices for Hubbard to use when he reincarnates and comes back. They placed a pack of Kools on the desk to make him feel at home.  Later, after smoking became unKool the packs were removed.  The offices remain.  This guy has an office so much better than yours, and he's got gobs of them all over the globe.  And he hasn't reincarnated yet to use even one of them!

But in Scientology smoking is, was and always will be Kool.  They smoke all the time and all over the place.  Especially the middle aged drones.  One of their main locations is a former hospital in Los Angeles, Big Blue.  It is surrounded by medical facilities.  During a large protest there around 2009 a doctor on his way to work walked by.  He told me "I keep getting Scientologists who put their faith in religion coming to me with advanced lung cancer when it's too late for my science to help."  At Anonymous protests in Canada pranksters were delighted to discover Scientologists outside an org smoking. The cultists ran inside when the rebels appeared.  Then the protesters hid and the cultists came out again to desperately get some smoking breaks in.  Then the protesters came back shouting sacred words and the cultists ran inside again.  They were torn between getting their fix of nicotine  and their fear of getting pneumonia from hearing the sacred texts that were being shouted at them.  I can't tell you how many times I have seen smoking, suspicious looking people and I ask them "Are you a Sci?"  They ALWAYS answer "NO" which means "YES". At that point I say "You're not? That's funny, you smoke like a Scientologist."  Then they reveal themselves to be Scientologists by what they do or say. It's a comic script I've played out lots of times.

But lung cancer is not funny. And I'm a pothead!

LACK OF BASIC CARE happens to Sea Orgers a lot.  Because they are paid, at best, $50 a week they qualify for free medical care from the federal government.  Assuming they can leave their post to get in line for it.  Scientology is incredibly rich but makes sure its workers get welfare-state medical care, if any, and your taxes pay for it.   Compare this to the Catholic Church.  That organization runs many hospitals which provide free, quality scientific medical care for their nuns and priests. 

If a female Sea Org worker gets pregnant she is socially pressured to abort. Her friends, relatives and co-workers in the cult bubble are told to convince her to do it.  If she says "yes" she is given a cover story of lies and taken to Planned Parenthood.  They foot the bill.  If she wants to say "no" she has to flee as the daughter-in-law of cult uber-lawyer Kendrick Moxon did.

SICKNESS IS YOUR FAULT because they believe that getting sick is a sign of weakness, of being not in control of your environment (MEST).  Even a car crash is considered your fault because you should have gone back in time on the "whole track" to before the accident and then prevented it.  People with flaws like epilepsy, AIDS or obesity are considered in a "lower condition" and inferior.  This philosophy causes people to work when they are sick and cover up infections out of shame, potentially spreading them.  Human flaws like wearing glasses are looked on as a failure to Keep Scientology Working.  In reality, people's weaknesses are being exploited to motivate followers using guilt.

UNSAFE WORK CONDITIONS are common because Scientology believes that people are cheap and safety codes don't apply to them. They are superior and don't really need to answer to a government or an outside force.   I've personally observed cultists on Hollywood Boulevard building their Winter Wonderland set without wearing hardhats, using lifts as cranes and working in the middle of the night.  Other protesters once came upon a welder at Big Blue welding inside the building at 10 PM.  When cultists saw that protesters were watching him they shut the windows and pulled the blinds down.  This left the poor guy to weld in an unventilated space.  During an early 2008 protest at the same location cultists violated hospital noise laws with a giant speaker system to drown out protester's shouts.  Cultists who were especially loyal were rewarded with standing next to the giant speakers for long periods and having their inner ears destroyed.  All in the name of solidarity against the protesting masses of Anonymous.

CHOOSING HUBBARD OVER A DOCTOR is a sign of loyalty.  Protester Tory Magoo (in video at right) was told that epilepsy is a psychosomatic illness and that she should stop taking her epilepsy meds.  She had horrible seizures. Her Mother called her and said: "They're going to kill you, Tory, and IF you're not back on your medication TODAY--and your Doctor calls and tells me you aren't, I will personally fly out and trust me, L Ron Hubbard and Scientology will NEVER forget your Mother". She then went back onto her medication to control seizures and has been seizure free. Protester Happy Smurf was told to stop taking his AIDS medication and his viral load went up.  He went back on his meds.  This was supposed to make them feel guilty and try even harder to make Scientology Work. 

If they had done better at Scientology they would not need any other medical care. Eventually members have gone so high up in the org that choosing non-Scientology doctors is a sign of disloyalty.  And Scientology approved doctors are often the quacks that treated Lisa McPherson and left her dead.  There are endless examples of people choosing Hubbard over hospitals or going off all their psych meds. The results are always awful. 

NEWS:  Fall movie "The Master" a semi-bio of L. Ron Hubbard

TOMKAT NEUTERED - holmes flees homo's home
tom cruise katie holmes shopping

June 29, 2012:  Actress Katie Holmes has filed for divorce from Tom Cruise in New York. Could Scientology's influence on her daughter Suri be to blame?  At six years old this coffee drinking, lipstick wearing, high heels tottering tot is at the age Scientology will want to begin to control her. Holmes wants custody of the child and did not file for divorce in her home state of California because New York is much more favorable to sole custody. 

When Cruise divorced his last wife, Nicole Kidman, she signed away her rights to her children in order to escape the cult.  That will probably not be Holme's response.  Kidman is not allowed to discuss Scientology or even spend time with her two children she had with Cruise.  The children's ears have been filled with lies about what a bad person Nicole is for leaving Scientology.  It is rumored Cruise's daughter with Kidman, who is now of legal age, is spending time with her mother to get away from the Scientology atmosphere at home.  Both the children were forced to attend the Delphian School, a Scientology boarding school in Oregon.  When Cruise's son complained about not wanting to do cult talk therapy and courses he got his cell phone taken away. What a great way to prevent him from calling relatives or the police!

children's e-meter
Children's E-Meter a
vocabulary builder
and interrogation device
Suri is at the age where she has begin taking Scientology courses and attending Scientology school.  The teacher would certainly "sec check" her and ask probing questions about her home life.  Later she would have to undergo talk therapy where everything she says would be written down and used to blackmail her or her family later should they try to leave. Finally, when she reaches about ten, she would also certainly be pestered constantly to sign a billion year contract and join the cult priesthood the Sea Org with the goal of turning her into a model, poster girl Scientologist.

After the Kidman divorce the Church first tried various Scientologists as girlfriends. Then they turned to outside actresses, eventually settling on Katie Holmes as a proper "beard" to disguise Cruise's non-Heterosexuality. Now that long vetting process must start again.  Could Cruise opt to give up Scientology to save his marriage and keep his child?  Forget it!  His career always comes first.

AGP enturbulates Sterling Management, scientology front group
sterling management glendale exterior
JUNE 2012 - Recently I decided to enturbulate Sterling Management, the Glendale CA company that uses the fig leaf of Efficiency Consultation to push the scam that is LRH tech. I went to their website and requested a DVD. Within a short time I was contacted via email and phone by Seth Watson, Service Consultant at [email protected].

I promptly pulled him in with my lies Scientology style. I told him I was an accountant who is also a preclear. He sounded excited. He asked how I found out about Sterling. I told him my friend Patty Baber told me about it. (Patty is a handler and thus we hate each other). I told him that my accounting sole proprietorship had been doing okay but with the bad economy my biz had stopped growing. "Oh we can help you" he replied. Instead of a DVD I was sent to a private link to the video above. You can't see it on youtube, only through the link. Gee David Miscavige, why are you selling DVDs of LRH over and over again? Why not just put it on youtube? I guess DM needs a class in efficiency from Sterling Management.

NEWS: Protester AnonOrange attempts to police voting at gold base

Scientology Opens new ideal org in Santa Ana
santa ana ideal org opening
JUNE 2, 2012 - As part of their transition from a goods and services scheme to a real estate scheme the Scientologists have opened the beautiful Santa Ana Ideal Org. An Ideal Org is the largest of their meeting houses.  The cult also opened two buildings just as impressive in Inglewood last November. Most of the people in the photo above were bussed in and work for the Church, which has had increasing trouble providing crowds for it's events.

OC WEEKLY RESPONSE:  By writer Josh Dulaney
PROTEST REPORT: Operation Clambake Msg Board

Angry Gay Pope protests scientology while being punished for protesting it
angry gay pope grafitti penis joke MAY 2012 - May marked the completion of my public service in Hollywood for my arrest in 2010 protesting the Delphi Academy Santa Monica.  I had to complete 15 days of street sweeping, tree planting, rock breaking and graffiti removal.  Do you know how many cigarette butts, bottle caps, dead pigeons, cigarette butts, needles, empty crystal meth packets, full crystal meth packets, cigarette butts, condoms, leaves, trash, cups, dirt, grit, paper, coat hangers, homeless people nests, cigarette butts, feathers, lunches, and homoerotic bar brochures I had to sweep up?  A lot.   I'm told another street sweeper who was a male model actually swept up homoerotic bar brochures with his own photo on them!

But I would do it all again to make sure the Delphi Academy got all the attention it deserved.  Google "delphi academy santa monica" and my videos come right up on the first page.  Search you tube for the same and everything that comes up first involves this protest.  This gratifies me as public service is very tedious.  You have to be there at 7 AM so various working class immigrants can yell at you with thick accents for eight and a half hours. It is like a real world version of the RPF, the Scientology gulag.  Fortunately, compared to the RPF this public service is quite civilized.  You work for four hours, have lunch, work for four more and go home.  However, they made me eat at Jack In the Box ... twice!  Shocking!  I was appalled.  But nowhere near rice and beans.  Take that Tommy Davis missing person!

The people who are really in jail are the overseers.  They also sweep and break rocks but their punishment never expires. Since no white people were overseers I assume they are paid little and don't get any benefits because they are contractors.  Many of the prisoners had issues.  One tattooed Latino guy constantly touched himself inappropriately and hit on every women who walked or drove by of any age. When they ignored him he would shout obscenities at them.

I told everyone who would listen about Scientology and why I was there.  As a captive audience they were quite interested.  Many people were there because of drunk driving offenses. Several of those men were involved in improv comedy. I don't know if that means comedians are all drunks. They told me improv is a lot like a cult. You all engage in groupthink, speak your own language and play off each other.  It affects the way you think.

The cult may believe they punished me with community service but, in truth, constantly going in to Hollywood all day gave me a great opportunity to spy on them and a number of my posts over the past few months reflect this.  Even better, I enturbulated Scientologists multiple times while being punished for doing so!  That's because we often went over to Big Blue to sweep the streets.  Imagine the surprise of Scientologists seeing some guy dressed like a paint covered bum bringing up verboten topics.  Once three Scientologists were walking to a fast food place on Vermont really close to Big Blue.  I knew they were Sci's who serve the public as they were dressed like they work at a steak house. As they walked by I said "The Moscow org has been raided by the police!"  They look at me surprised and nodded their heads with interest but, of course, kept right on walking.

A young male sea orger walked past me at Sunset and Vermont and I said "Is David Miscavige KSW? (Keeping Scientology Working?)"  "Of course," he replied. "Then why are stats so low?"  He hustled off the street real fast.

Best of all was when I was walking through the same intersection covered with paint spats and carrying my broom and dustpan.  I saw two young blue shirted guys who looked suspiciously like Sea Orgers.  I kept staring and them and noted their Sea Org belt buckles.  They walked right up to me and asked "Can we ask you a few questions?"  I said "Sure."  "What do you think about abortion?"  "I think abortion should be legal but rare."  "What do you think about giving aid to Oolaboola land."  "I never heard of that."  "It's in Africa."  "Oh, I replied, can we talk about how David Miscavige beats his staff?"  "No we aren't here to talk about that." 

This was too bad as a laid into them with rapid fire entheta.  They got totally flustered and ran away as I shouted "I thought you wanted to talk!"   Poor Scientologists!

My punishment is over but theirs continues unabated.  For the next billion years I guess!

Hollywood Blvd Stress Test Center a stressed out mess
  click to enlargeAPRIL 11, 2012 HOLLYWOOD - I was on Hollywood Boulevard yesterday and snapped photos of the cult's testing center. For a group obsessed with public image this Scientology testing center is flunking and is not "at cause" over MEST (aka looks like shit).

The sign has suddenly begun really falling apart, the awning (which still contains the painted over name of the previous tenant) has rips in it. The security fence along the front has been broken apart which means homeless people are sleeping in the doorway at night. There is graffiti on the glass and metal.

Both protester Happy Smurf and I have noticed that the testing center is often closed and barred with the broken security fence. Hollywood Boulevard is really hopping these days despite a down economy and many people walk by all day. It seems highly likely the cult is having trouble finding enough people to man the thing now.

Click the image at left to see a higher resolution picture.

angry gay pope at hgb

The Church kept me away from this location for over three years with a meaningless restraining order. Now I'm back! Are the cultists here better off than they were four years ago? No they still run away! What would founder L. Ron Hubbard think? It's his museum I am protesting in front of. Happy birthday to you Ron! Featuring special guests the L. Ron Hubbard birthday singers at their Clearwater celebration event!

Featuring protesters Happy Smurf and Gymbo.


l. ron hubbard ascotWanna watch gown ups run away like stupid kids? Protesters Angry Gay Pope and Gymbo (Jim-bow) celebrate cult founder Hubbard's 101st birthday at Scientology's main base. We waited for buses to show up to take cultists to the Shrine Auditorium for the Birthday Bash. The goal was to confront cultists on the street and prevent the buses from loading on public property as they usually do.

Meanwhile many cultists were highly "enturbulated" and ran away from our Guy Fawkes masks! Several cultists with suitcases chained to their arms were seen (a rare sight). These suitcases contain their precious high level Scientology teachings they are not allowed to let out of their sight, even though it has all been posted on the Internet a decade ago.

WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE: About 30 Scientologists snuck out of one building in a group and ran into another in an attempt to avoid protester Gymbo. Also, an Asian Sci saw us coming and went down a flight of steps to open a door which had been sealed shut and removed years ago. She tried to turn a knob that wasn't there and then was forced to slink back up and run into the building through another entrance.

After this event the buses took cultists to the Shrine where they met five more protesters, one of whom was arrested.

christie hotel barricaded
Recruiting during the Oscars was a bust this year for the cult. Their Hubbard Museum and Testing Center Bookstore were as empty as usual despite crowds so large the boulevard had to be shut down for security purposes. This left their usual temporary testing station the Christie Hotel, above, under police lockdown.


(Praying didn't work)
donate to angry gay pope
angry gay pope shouting
Photo Credit: Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times

Feel frustrated when the super-rich Church of Scientology bitch slaps society and the government doesn't care?  Now you can do something about it!  Just donate to me, the Angry Gay Pope. I'll take the heat for you. 

I've become the main Los Angeles Scientology protestor and investigator.  You'll be sticking it to the Scis while you help fund the Pope's daily enturbulation affirmation.  What is enturbulation?  You'll know it when you see it in my videos. And they are pretty slick. It takes a lot of time to edit the implosion of the Church of Scientology into entertainment Besides making hilarious and educational videos I've exposed the Church's illegal work conditions, the cops they pay off and secret cult locations like Twin Peaks that few media visit. 

I've been documenting the history of this bozo religion's decline since 2008.  My videos have a lot of conflict and yelling in them but fans tell me they watch them to RELAX. Relax???  I think they like seeing an all powerful organization exposed and made fun of by just one (very motivated) guy. This is an in-your-face look at America's most infamous and powerful cult.  You'll meet bozo Church guards, befuddled slaves, major Church figures and the worst lawyers in the world.  Plus Kirstie Alley's oversized butt. 

My work is included in major Wikipedia entries, seen in local newscasts around the world and used in several European documentaries.  And it's all stored for posterity on my website You can donate in increments of $5, $10 and $15 dollars which are pledged monthly and you can cancel at any time.  So don't slip into a lower condition of withholds. Be at cause over MEST (matter energy space and time) by donating today!

Since 2008 hundreds of different people have donated safely and securely over the Internet without any interference from the Church.