During the protest at the opening of Scientology's Ideal Org of Pasadena I was constantly followed a cultist even Gayer than Tom Cruise! Clay Bock. Charged with distracting me by whispering homoerotica into my ear I think he failed at his task. I wouldn't shut up! Also on this vid is Lesbian "Blue Shirt Lady" (who first showed up two years ago) along with some random homophobes. Is this the kind of person the voters of California could ever trust? Clay lives in So Cal and goes house to house selling jewelry. |
The angry gay pope sends a homoerotic message to supposedly bisexual cult leader David Miscavige of the church of scientology during Operation Barney. It was rumoured Miscavige demanded to see any video of protesters where he is mentioned. Whether this was true or not he certainly watches my videos now! |
The Angry Gay Pope slams another closeted homosexual in the cult of scientology. Major gaydar blips! The cult claims to be able to cure gays. The man behind the door I call a "faggot" is Steve Meyer. He was once punished for reading when he should have been working out. |